
Towards Optimal Short, Medium and Long Term Climate Policy Instrumentation


Huppes, Gjalt & Görlach, Benjamin (Eds); Huppes, Gjalt; Deetman, Sebastiaan; Huele, Ruben; Kleijn, René; Koning, Arjan de; Voet, Ester van der; Drummond,Paul; Rey, Luis; Markandya, Anil; González-Eguino, Mikel (2015) Towards optimal short, medium and long term climate policy instrumentation. CML, Leiden; Ecologic, Berlin; UCL, London; BC3, Bilbao. DOI 10.13140/RG.2.1.3027.7206.

The EU can build on more than two decades of climate policy, reflected in a number of short- and long-term targets for climate and energy policy, and a suite of climate policy instruments intended to achieve them. On the other hand, there is a gap between the level of ambition expressed in the long-run targets, and the effectiveness of the instruments currently in place.

This volume presents strategic lines of instrumentation for the future climate policy instrumentation in the EU, both for the short and the long term, closely related to energy policy and other policy domains like transport and housing. The volume consists of three parts. 

  • Part 1 provides orientation for the medium to long term evolution of the EU climate policy instrument mix towards 2050. 
  • Part 2 focuses on short to medium term reform options for the current climate policy instrument mix toward 2030. 
  • The intricate link of EU-level policies to internationalisation and globalisation is deepened in Part 3.

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Gjalt Huppes
Sebastiaan Deetman
Ruben Huele
René Kleijn
Arjan de Koning
Ester van der Voet
Paul Drummond
Luis Rey
Anil Markandya
Mikel González-Eguino

Media format: Brochure A5
Concept: Beáta Vargová, Matthias Duwe
Graphic design: Beáta Vargová

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364 pp.
Project ID
Table of contents
climate policy instruments, state of play of the policy mix in the EU, CECILIA2050, eco-innovation, decarbonisation, carbon pricing, ETS, GHG reduction, optimality, European Union
Europe, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, United Kingdom
design, layout

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