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Concept for an Exhibition on the Links Between the Climate and Biodiversity Crises

© Getty Images 2024

Concept for an Exhibition on the Links Between the Climate and Biodiversity Crises

Exhibition Concept


The links between the biodiversity and climate crises are little known among the general public, or only partial knowledge exists. This applies to the effects of climate change on the biosphere, but also to knowledge about ecosystem services and nature-based solutions.

The Ecologic Institute team is designing a travelling exhibition on this topic for the Baden-Württemberg Environmental Academy in order to communicate these connections to citizens in Baden-Württemberg. The exhibition presents the interrelationships, highlights examples of good practice and presents concrete possibilities for action. The exhibition will be supplemented by accompanying materials so that the key messages of the exhibition reach visitors via different channels.

The aim of the exhibition is to encourage citizens to work towards a future in which both crises are tackled and overcome together, both on an individual and societal level. Practical recommendations for action are intended to show them ways in which they can become active themselves and be part of the solution.

As part of this project, Ecologic Institute is developing both the content of the exhibition and its graphic design.


Lena Meret Stüdeli
Project ID