
Strengthen the Independent Voice of Science

Support our participation in the global plastics negotiations!

Berlin, Germany

As an UN-accredited organisation, Ecologic Institute has so far been involved in the negotiations on the global plastics agreement. But our continued participation is jeopardised: There is a lack of funding for the last of the previously planned negotiation rounds in Busan (South Korea) in November 2024. Donate now to help strengthen the independent voice of science!

Donate now!

The conferences in Paris, Nairobi and Ottawa have shown that the independent voice of science is important because the issue is complex and many actors are lobbying for their own interests. We took part in the negotiations, and we realised every time that our presence on the ground is extremely important. During our participation so far, we have also observed that many countries are sending delegates who are not adequately prepared for the complex negotiations.

We want to change this with your support!

What we use your donation for, for example:

  • For 50 euros, we will have a high-quality scientific infographic printed on site and distribute it to the delegates ourselves.
  • For 250 euros, we pay the graphic designer's costs for one of these sophisticated materials.
  • For 500 euros, we can organise a complete webinar to prepare for the next round of negotiations with experts on the respective negotiations.

We still need a total of 15,000 euros to take part in Busan.

But every donation helps: if everyone donates 10 euros, our participation will be secured within a very short time. Thank you very much for your support!

Donation account:

Ecologic Institute

IBAN: DE17 3702 0500 0003 2208 08


Donation keyword: Plastic


Help us empowering the independent voice of science by supporting our involvement in the plastics treaty negotiations.

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