Ernährungspolitische Strategien zur Förderung pflanzenbasierter Ernährungsweisen in Deutschland


Wunder, Stephanie; Julia Jägle 2022: Ernährungspolitische Strategien zur Förderung pflanzenbasierter Ernährungsweisen in Deutschland. Ausblick unter Einbezug der Ergebnisse der Themenfelder 4 (Zukunft der Ernährungswirtschaft) und 5 (Ernährung der Zukunft – mehr pflanzenbasiert) des nationalen Dialogs 2021 "Wege zu nachhaltigen Ernährungssystemen". Berlin: Ecologic Institute.

The aim of this strategy paper is to summarise the results of the National Dialogue on Food Systems on the two thematic areas "Food Economy of the Future" and "Food of the Future – More Plant-Based", particularly with regard to the policy options and instruments discussed there. The document is available for download.

The options for political action to promote plant-based diets are analysed in more detail in topic area 5 (Food of the future – more plant-based). To this end, it is first examined to what extent the promotion of plant-based diets is already part of federal policy strategies, but also to what extent the topic is already part of the UN Food System Summit and its follow-up process or part of the European Farm-to-Fork Strategy. In addition, the four existing food strategies of the German federal states (Baden-Württemberg, Berlin, Hesse, Lower Saxony) are analysed and the extent to which the promotion of plant-based diets is already part of these strategies is identified.

Against the background that the federal government wants to develop a national food strategy by 2023, it is also reflected which experiences could be gained from the process design of the strategy development. In addition, the publication examines the extent to which demands for the expansion of plant-based diets are already contained in various stakeholder processes (Commission on the Future of Agriculture (ZKL), Citizens' Climate Council, Food Coalition and others) on food policy issues, to then subsequently discuss experiences from other European countries.

Finally, the publication shows which food policy options are available from a scientific point of view. The conclusions are summarised regarding which policy options and instruments are available for the promotion of plant-based diets and which conclusions can be drawn for the process design, be it in the context of the development of the Nutrition Strategy or for the continuation of the National Dialogue.

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Stephanie Wunder
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70 pp.
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national food system summit, UN Food System Summit, food system transformation, dietary shift, plant-based diets, sustainable diets, policy options

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