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Alan Keogh

Alan Keogh

Web Developer


Alan Keogh is a Web Developer at Ecologic Institute. He builds and manages websites for projects and the institute, predominantly with the content management system (CMS) Drupal. His native language is English.

Before arriving at Ecologic Institute, Alan has been working in web development, design and digital marketing for over 15 years with various companies in a variety of sectors including financial and pharmaceutical, where he has gained experience in a wide range of areas relating to web development and technologies.

Alan holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Marketing and also a Master of Science in Multimedia along with other qualifications.

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Selected projects by Alan Keogh

Participants in an ICAP master's course on emissions trading in Lisbon in 2017



Under this contract, the Ecologic Institute continues its programme of ETS training and capacity building activities implemented under the auspices of the International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP), supported by the European Commission. In an Ecologic-led consortium... Read more

ETS Training and Capacity Building Activities under the Auspices of ICAP


© Ecologic Institute

To achieve climate neutrality by 2050, EU policy will have to be reoriented – from incremental towards structural change. As expressed in the European Green Deal, the challenge is to initiate the necessary transformation to climate neutrality in the coming years, while... Read more

Transformative Policies for a Climate-neutral European Union (4i-TRACTION)

Selected publications by Alan Keogh
ICAP Training Website

Ecologic Institute 2021

The Ecologic Institute designed and developed the ETS Training and Capacity Building website. It provides information and teaching materials on emissions trading, information on events, training courses, study trips, technical workshops and delegation visits. ... Read more

Ecologic Institut (2021): ETS Training and Capacity Building. URL: