
Energy Prosumption in Europe

A lever for the transition of our energy systems?


Energy prosumption through the deployment of residential renewable energy technologies reduces GHG emissions, speeds up the energy transition and provides important community benefits. In this project "Energy Prosumption in Europe", Ecologic Institute, CE Delft and Fraunhofer ISI help the European Energy Agency to better explain how energy prosumerism works in the agency’s 32 member countries – with the aim of inspiring citizens and decision-makers at all governance levels to expand prosumerism.

Ecologic Institute and the project partners provide research on the status quo of prosumerism in Europe and its importance for the transformation to climate neutrality. In particular, the project explores framework conditions that enable or prevent prosumerism, such as costs, ownership, legal and administrative obligations and uncertainties.

By using case studies, the team identifies best practice cases and lessons learned. An illustrative report and public webinars on prosumerism in Europe will facilitate the outreach of the project findings to decision makers in countries with low levels of energy presumption. Moreover, the project aims at evaluating the role of cities in the development of prosumerism.

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Katharina Umpfenbach
Ricarda Faber
David Reichwein, LLB
Project ID
prosuming, prosumer, energy consumption, energy prosumerism, renewable energies, energy transformation, decarbonisation, Green Deal, climate neutrality

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