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Energy Prosumers in Europe

Cover of the report "Energy Prosumers in Europe - Citizen participation in the energy transition"

© European Environment Agency

Energy Prosumers in Europe

Citizen participation in the energy transition


European Environment Agency (ed.) 2022: Energy Prosumers in Europe – Citizen participation in the energy transition. EEA Report No 01/2022. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

Energy prosumption through the deployment of residential renewable energy technologies reduces greenhouse gas emissions, speeds up the energy transition and provides important community benefits. In a new report, the European Environment Agency assesses energy prosumption models used throughout the EU and recommends policy tools that can allow even more EU citizens to benefit from energy prosumption. The publication builds on a study produced by CE Delft, Fraunhofer ISI and Ecologic Institute.

Ecologic Institute and the project partners provided research on the status quo of prosumerism in Europe and its importance for the transformation to climate neutrality. In particular, the project explored framework conditions that enable or prevent prosumerism, such as costs, ownership, legal and administrative obligations and uncertainties. By using case studies, the team identified best practice cases and lessons learned. Finally, the team also evaluated the specific role of cities in supporting energy prosumption models.

Energy prosumption has social and environmental benefits, it is a key tool for citizens to actively contribute to the energy transition.

More content from this project

Katharina Umpfenbach
Javier Esparrago, Mihai Tomescu (EEA)
Bettina Kampman, Joeri Vendrik, Nanda Naber (CE Delft)
Jan George, Jenny Winkler, Barbara Breitschopf (Fraunhofer ISI)
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60 pp.
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Table of contents
transition, renewable energy, prosumption, benefits, climate neutral, adaptation, climate change, energy, solar, wind, electric, batteries, policy, climate targets, energy transition, communities, sustainable, mitigation, renewable energy source
Europe, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden