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Elaborating Strategies and Contributions to Implement SDG12 on the National Level for Germany
- Project
- Duration
The project "Elaborating strategies and contributions to implement SDG12 (responsible consumption and production) on the national level for Germany" aims at setting up a systematic monitoring for implementing SDG12 on the national level for Germany and thus support the German Environment Ministry as the leading department in developing positions for national and international discussions.
In order to achieve this goal, the project will
- explore the status quo of activities aimed to implement SDG12 on the national level
- discuss status quo, perspectives and priorities of the national implementation with experts
- set up a national monitoring including a user-friendly database
- test national applicability of the SDG indicators and elaborate options for further developing the German National Sustainability Strategy
- compile reports and position papers on the national implementation of SDG12 to support national reporting towards the High Level Political Forum HLPF
- derive recommendations for options to act on national implementation of SDG12 for the period 2021-2030.
Ecologic Institute support the exploration of the status quo and the setting up of a national monitoring as well as leads on organising expert workshops to discuss the status quo, perspectives and priorities.