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Decarbonisation – 100% Renewable Energy and More


Ecologic Institute prepared and organised a full-day workshop with around 100 European and international experts and decision makers from natural and social sciences, politics, business, civil society and the media, discussing the topic "Decarbonisation – 100% Renewable Energy and more." The workshop, which took place on 9 November 2015, fostered the dialogue between international and European partners to launch a debate on how greenhouse gas neutrality can be achieved in different EU Member States.

In addition to the preparation and organisation of the workshop, the project also comprises the compilation of the proceedings of the workshop. The report documents the presentations and discussions during the course of the event. The proceedings of the workshop will be published in spring 2016 and will be available for download.

In order to keep global warming below a maximum of 2°C, industrial countries in particular will have to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by 80-95% below 1990 levels by 2050. This requires a transition to a sustainable and low-carbon economy and profound decarbonisation of the energy system. While such a "decarbonisation process" offers challenges for competitiveness, decarbonising the economy also entails new possibilities and opportunities.

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Lena Donat, LLM
Robert Ostwald
Ennid Roberts, LLM
Karl Lehmann
Project ID
Decarbonisation, renewable energies, energy system, workshop, dialogue, European Union greenhouse gas neutrality, low-carbon economy, European Union

Source URL: https://www.ecologic.eu/13464