How can industrialised nations, regions and cities mitigate greenhouse gas emissions in various economic sectors? At the international workshop “Decarbonisation – 100 % Renewable Energy and More”, decarbonisation approaches and strategies pursued in Europe on different political levels were showcased, discussed and reviewed with regard to their cross-border transferability. It showcased different examples from across the EU, highlighting specific national and city level strategies and discussed their respective commonalities and differences with an expert audience. The high-level workshop was organized by the German Federal Environment Agency with support of Ecologic Institute.
This event was meant to provide a forum to compare different experiences and allow for a mutual learning of the lessons gained so far, as well as an increased awareness of the approaches chosen across the EU and the options available, in terms of processes, technologies and institutions. It was meant to be a contribution to a necessary dialogue across countries and different levels of government on taking conscious decisions on a transition to becoming greenhouse gas neutral.
The workshop brought together a diverse range of European and international experts and decision makers from politics, business, civil society, natural and social sciences and the media.
Presentations and photos of the workshop can be found on the event website.