| Dr. Camilla Bausch, Photo: © Stephan Röhl, CC BY-SA 3.0

International Environmental Policy Issues Contributed by Dr. Camilla Bausch

Berlin, Germany

International environmental policy is receiving a great deal of attention in 2015. In September the United Nations General Assembly committed to the Sustainable Development Goals and in December a new global climate regime is expected to be adopted at the UN Climate Summit in Paris. Dr. Camilla Bausch, Director of Ecologic Institute, discussed critical aspects of this dynamic at various events.

"Opportunities for International Environmental Policy" – Panel discussion

In the framework of its 20th anniversary celebrations, Ecologic Institute organized a podium discussion regarding opportunities for international environmental policy on 13 October 2015. The evening featured Prof. Klaus Töpfer (Founding Director of IASS), Dr. Imme Scholz (German Development Institute), Michael Mehling (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and Dr. Camilla Bausch (Ecologic Institute). Read more...

"The Climate Conference in Paris – and Then What?" – Panel discussion

Prof. Dr. Ottmar Edenhofer (MCC) and Hildegard Müller (BDEW) extended an invitation for 15 October 2015 to discuss the topic “The Climate Conference in Paris – and then?”. The coal renaissance became the subject of controversial debate. Franziska Erdle (WirtschaftsVereinigung Metalle), Dr. Camilla Bausch (Ecologic Institute) and Christoph Bals (Germanwatch) provided commentary to the introductory talks of Edenhofer and Müller. Read more...

"Opportunities for and Barriers to German-French Contributions to the Climate Conference in Paris" – Panel discussion

"Opportunities for and barriers to German-French contributions to the Climate Conference in Paris" was the topic of a panel discussion on 16 October 2015. The German-French association Gerhard Kiersch Verein / AGKV organized the event. The discussion addressed the question of how Germany and France could contribute to the success of the global climate conference and which obstacles still need to be overcome. The evening featured Jean-Claude Perraudin (Embassy of France), Oliver Krischer (Member of Parliament, Bündnis90/Die Grünen), Arnulf Nöding (AREVA) and Dr. Camilla Bausch (Ecologic Institute). Read more...

"Sustainable Development Goals" – Workshop

"Sort of best friends?" was the title of a conference which took place on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the IÖW and VÖW on 2 November 2015. The Ecological Research Network (Ecornet) – of which Ecologic Institute is a member – along with the civil society players Friends of the Earth Germany (BUND), Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU), Brot für die Welt and Zivilgesellschaftliche Plattform Forschungswende hosted the event. Dr. Marianne Beisheim (Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik), Dr. Maja Göpel (Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie) and Dr. Klaus Seitz (Brot für die Welt) were panelists with moderation by Dr. Camilla Bausch. Read more...


Source URL: https://www.ecologic.eu/12746