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Anniversary Celebration - Ecologic Institute's 20th Anniversary

| Dr. Camilla Bausch, Ecologic Institut ©

Anniversary Celebration - Ecologic Institute's 20th Anniversary

Berlin, Germany

On 13 October 2015, Ecologic Institute celebrated 20 years of successful environmental research and policy consulting with a podium discussion, improvisational theatre, and a festive reception in Berlin. To further mark the occasion of our anniversary, we presented an infographic providing a peek behind the scenes and introducing the people working at Ecologic Institute. More information and photos of the celebration, the infographic and the 20 messages of greeting sent from Germany, Europe and beyond can be found in the further links.

Included on the panel were:

  • Dr. Camilla Bausch (Ecologic Institute)
  • Michael Mehling (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
  • Dr. Imme Scholz (German Development Institute)
  • Prof. Klaus Töpfer (Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies)
  • Moderation: Sascha Müller-Kraenner (Deutsche Umwelthilfe)

During the discussion a broad spectrum of topics was touched upon. Töpfer addressed the relationship between societal challenges – such as environmental problems and the increasing numbers of refugees. Furthermore, he called for a broadened societal discourse, e.g. regarding the Papal Encyclical (Laudato si). Bausch highlighted the opportunity arising from an emerging trend of universalizing responsibility for sustainable development, as marked by the new UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as well as in the negotiations for the new international climate agreement. In view of the scope of the agreement as well as the merely political obligation of many of its aspects as well as of the SDGs, it is decisive to work towards transparency and successful implementation.

Scholz underlined the necessity of a new orientation of development policy with a view to changing international structures, networks and challenges. She also re-emphasized that foreign and domestic policy cannot be handled divergently. With a view to the new climate regime desired from the Paris Conference, Mehling presented questions regarding the legal framework and legislation; these included whether the law shall be evaluated only according to what its norms achieve or if there can be already an inherent value to the process of its occurrence.

Additional special guests of the evening included Markus Hoffmann (artist, EnergieWendeKunst award winner) and the improve theatre group, "Die Gorillas". Markus Hoffmann impressed the audience with his artistic contribution, "Art, Nuclear Radiation and Boundaries of Perception" and the Gorillas entertained the guests with targeted punch lines and humorous references to the event and preceding panel discussion.

In the run up to the panel discussion, "Ecologic Live" provided an introduction to the different teams at Ecologic Institute and their work. In addition to project materials and publications, an Ecologic info graphic was displayed, providing insight into the lives and interests of Ecologic Institute’s employees. An interactive, digital version of the info graphic is available online.

The festivities ended with a reception.

We would like to thank all the guests for such an inspiring and special evening!


Susanne Müller
Sarina Bstieler
Karl Lehmann
Berlin, Germany
Ecologic Institute