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Models, Potentials and Long-Term Scenarios for Resource Efficiency (SimRess)

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Models, Potentials and Long-Term Scenarios for Resource Efficiency (SimRess)


The SimRess project analyzes the potential effectiveness of policy measures and mixes in the field of resource policy. Considering a time horizon through 2050, the project interprets model simulation results from both a system dynamics model and an econometric model. The modeling process informs policy recommendations, and might, therefore, contribute to further developing the national resource efficiency program ProgRess [pdf, 2,5MB, English].

The models may explore topics such as: domestic and abroad resource use, GDP, or job creation. The models integrate national, European, and global trends and projections, in addition to context scenarios from the project PolRess.

SimRess builds off of two established models – the system-dynamics model – WORLD by Lund University and the econometrics model – GINFORS, by GWS mbH. These proven models set national resource use in a global context. Another aim of the SimRess project is to enhance the models to compare outputs up until 2030, and to identify ways to exchange information between the two models. Quantitative analysis follows from the modeling results.

On the SimRess project, Ecologic Institute is responsible for conducting trend analyses and identifying relevant resource policy measures. As project coordinators, the Institute also organizes the final conference.

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Dr. Martin Hirschnitz-Garbers
Christian Hudson
Stefanie Albrecht
Sebastian Ossio
Robert Ostwald
Project ID
resource policy, resource efficiency, modelling, policy measures, trends
Europe, Germany