Proposals for New Governance Concepts and Policy Options
- Publikation
- Zitiervorschlag
Stelljes, N, Albrecht, S, Martinez, G., McGlade, K. BONUS SOILS2SEA Deliverable 6.2. Proposals for new governance concepts and policy options. Ecologic Institute, Berlin, May 2017,
Stelljes, N, Albrecht, S, Martinez, G., McGlade, K. BONUS SOILS2SEA Deliverable 6.2. Proposals for new governance concepts and policy options. Ecologic Institute, Berlin, May 2017,
- Sprache
- Autorenschaft
- Finanzierung
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), Deutschland BONUS Secretariat (EEIG) (BONUS Secretariat), International - Jahr
- Umfang
- 60 S.
- Projekt
- Projekt-ID
- Inhaltsverzeichnis
Gesamtes Inhaltsverzeichnis
Executive summary
How to read this report
1. Background and scope
2. Methodology
3. Ethnographic study
3.1 Approach
3.2 Overall results
4. First workshops
4.1 Overview of policy instruments
4.2 Workshop Norsminde, Denmark
4.3 Workshop Tullstorp, Sweden
4.4 Workshop Kocinka, Poland
4.5 Conclusions from the first workshops
5. Policy options
5.1 Norsminde, Denmark
5.1.1 Output quota system and emissions trading
5.1.2 Self-monitoring through innovative data sampling methods
5.1.3 Creation of a specialised water network
5.2 Tullstorp, Sweden
5.2.1 Funding technical measures in and along streams
5.2.2 Land bank
5.2.3 Incentives for integrated agriculture
5.3 Kocinka, Poland
5.3.1 Incentives for precision agriculture technology
5.3.2 Diversification in the rural economy
5.3.3 Land bank
5.3.4 Building communication networks
6. Second round of workshops
6.1 Governance scenarios for future emissions reductions
6.1.1 Centralised management scenario
6.1.2 Market-based scenario
6.1.3 Co-governance scenario
6.2 N-mitigation measures in Poland
6.2.1 Rural revival scenario
6.2.2 Payments for ecosystem services scenario and awareness raising
6.2.3 Farm management incentives and awareness raising
6.3 Conclusions from the 2nd round of workshops
7. Proposals for new governance concepts, policy options and outlook
8. Literature
9. Annexes
Annex 1: Case Study Denmark
9.1 Norsminde, DK
9.1.1 Farming
9.1.2 Specific challenges
9.1.3 Relevant actors
9.1.4 Relevant regulatory framework
9.2 Inputs from Stakeholders
9.2.1 1st workshop
9.2.2 2nd workshop
9.2.3 Governance-related findings from ethnographic interviews
Annex 2: Case Study Sweden
9.3 Tullstorp, SWE
9.3.1 Farming
9.3.2 Specific challenges
9.3.3 Governance System
9.3.4 Relevant regulatory framework
9.3.5 Inputs from Stakeholders
Annex 3: Case Study Poland
9.4 Background
9.4.1 Farming
9.4.2 Specific challenges
9.4.3 Governance System
9.4.4 Relevant regulatory framework
9.4.5 Inputs from Stakeholders
Annex 4: Policy options, instruments and measures - Schlüsselwörter
Nährstoffe, RückhaltevermögenSchweden, Tullstorp, Dänemark, Norsminde, Polen
Berrini Films, Ecologic Institute and AGH University of Science and Technology Krakow 2016: Soils2Sea: Reducing nutrient loadings into the Baltic Sea. Video. Online:
Stelljes, N., McGlade, K., Martinez, G., BONUS SOILS2SEA Deliverable 6.4. Results from stakeholder workshops on governance concepts. Ecologic Institute, Berlin, December 2017,