Impact Analysis for Market Uptake Scenarios and Policy Implications
Impacts of Electric Vehicles – Deliverable 5
- Publikation
- Zitiervorschlag
Kampman, Bettina; Huib van Essen; Willem Braat et. al. 2011: Impact analysis for market uptake scenarios and policy implications. Impacts of Electric Vehicles – Deliverable 5. Ecologic Institute/ICF/CE Delft, Delft.
Kampman, Bettina; Huib van Essen; Willem Braat et. al. 2011: Impact analysis for market uptake scenarios and policy implications. Impacts of Electric Vehicles – Deliverable 5. Ecologic Institute/ICF/CE Delft, Delft.
- Sprache
- Autorenschaft
Max GrünigBettina Kampman (CE Delft)Huib van Essen (CE Delft)Willem Braat (CE Delft)Ravi Kantamaneni (ICF)Etienne Gabel (ICF)
- Finanzierung
Europäische Kommission, Generaldirektion Umwelt (GD Umwelt), International - Jahr
- Umfang
- 165 S.
- Projekt
- Projekt-ID
- Inhaltsverzeichnis
Gesamtes Inhaltsverzeichnis
1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction to the project
1.2 Scope and approach
1.3 Report structure
2 EV scenario design
2.1 Introduction
2.2 EV Scenario 1: The ‘most realistic’ estimates of WP 1-5
2.3 EV Scenario 2: ICE breakthrough
2.4 EV Scenario 3: EV breakthrough
3 Impact analysis
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Impact on vehicle sales and fleet
3.3 Impact on fuel and electricity demand, and final energy consumption
3.4 Impact on vehicle emissions
3.5 Impacts on electricity production
3.6 Overall impacts on emissions
3.7 Impacts on air quality
3.8 Impacts on noise emissions
3.9 Impacts on materials and waste
3.10 Economic impacts
3.11 Impacts on primary energy sources and imports of fossil fuels
4 Policy implications
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Vehicle regulation
4.3 Regulation of energy carriers
4.4 Fiscal policies
4.5 Policies related to charging infrastructure
4.6 Other policies
5 Conclusions and recommendations
5.1 Impact analysis
5.2 Policy implications
5.3 Recommendations for further study
Annex A Assumptions and input data for the scenarios
A.1 Data needed for the calculations
A.2 Input data Scenario 1
A.3 Input data Scenario 2
A.4 Input data Scenario 3
Annex B Impacts on electricity production – regional results
B.1 Scenario 1
B.2 Scenario 2
B.3 Scenario 3
Annex C Detailed results of the impact analysis
C.1 Vehicle sales
C.2 Car fleet
C.3 EVs in urban regions
Annex D Modelling methodology: MELVIN
D.1 Introduction
D.2 Outline of the scenario modelling tool
D.3 Tool overview
D.4 Reference Scenario
D.5 EV uptake modelling
D.6 From market uptake to vehicle shares
D.7 Calculation of the environmental impact
D.8 Economic analysis - Schlüsselwörter
Transport, Climate, EU Environment, Policy Assessment, Greenhouse Gases, CO2-Emissions, Electric Vehicles, Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles, Market Penetration, EU-27Europe
Essen, Huib van; Bettina Kampman und Max Grünig 2011: Impacts of Electric Vehicles – Summary report. CE Delft, ICF, Ecologic Institute, Delft.
Vortrag:Elektroautos und der Elektrizitätssektor - Zusammenspiel und Grenzen
- Datum
- Ort
- Brüssel, Belgien
CO2-Emissionen von Neufahrzeugen
- Dauer
- Finanzierung
Europäisches Parlament, Ausschuss für Umweltfragen, öffentliche Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsicherheit, International
Analyse der Umsetzung der EU-Altfahrzeugerichtlinie
- Dauer
- Finanzierung
Europäisches Parlament (EP), International
Stand der Umsetzung der Altfahrzeuge- und der Bergbauabfall-Richtlinien
- Dauer
- Finanzierung
Europäische Kommission, Generaldirektion Umwelt (GD Umwelt), International