In the context of the conference "Coastal Management & Climate Change: Status Quo" on 5 and 6 October 2009 in Rostock – Warnemünde the RADOST project (Regional Adaptation Strategies for the German Baltic Sea Coast) celebrated its regional kick-off.
The two-day event updated participants about the status of RADOST's many coastal projects. Furthermore, a forum was held for intensive discussions between those who had contributed to the various projects.
RADOST's objective is the development of adaptation strategies for the Baltic coastline of Germany through a dialogue between academics, economists, policy-makers and the public. Other important goals are to minimize the economic, social and environmental harm and to capitalize on development opportunities brought about by climate change. Additionally, the project aims to strengthen the network of and communication between stakeholders across the region and beyond.
Further information on RADOST is available on the project's website.