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Transatlantic Policy Options to Address the Rapidly Changing Arctic

Transatlantic Policy Options to Address the Rapidly Changing Arctic


Cavalieri, Sandra, and R. Andreas Kraemer (2013): "Transatlantic Policy Options to Address the Rapidly Changing Arctic", in Paul Arthur Berkman und Alexander N. Vylegzhanin (eds.): Environmental Security in the Arctic Ocean. NATO Science for Peace and Security Serices - C: Environmental Security. Dordrecht: Springer, 281-293.

In this book chapter, Sandra Cavalieri and R. Andreas Kraemer of Ecologic Institute present policy options for the EU and the US for addressing challenges in the changing Arctic, summarizing key findings of the transatlantic Arctic Transform dialogue. The book "Environmental Security in the Arctic Ocean" documents the proceedings of the 2010 NATO Advanced Research Workshop (ARW) in Cambridge, England, that was initiated and co-convened by Ecologic Institute.

Published in
Environmental Security in the Arctic Ocean
Published by
12 pp.
E-Book: 978-94-007-4713-5 Hardcover: 978-94-007-4712-8 Softcover: 978-94-007-4751-7
Table of contents
Climate change, Transatlantic policy, adaptation, shipping, oil, gas, fish stocks, marine biodiversity, indigenous people, international treaty, governance
EU, US, Arctic