Transatlantic Policy Options to Address the Rapidly Changing Arctic
- Publication
- Citation
Cavalieri, Sandra, and R. Andreas Kraemer (2013): "Transatlantic Policy Options to Address the Rapidly Changing Arctic", in Paul Arthur Berkman und Alexander N. Vylegzhanin (eds.): Environmental Security in the Arctic Ocean. NATO Science for Peace and Security Serices - C: Environmental Security. Dordrecht: Springer, 281-293.
In this book chapter, Sandra Cavalieri and R. Andreas Kraemer of Ecologic Institute present policy options for the EU and the US for addressing challenges in the changing Arctic, summarizing key findings of the transatlantic Arctic Transform dialogue. The book "Environmental Security in the Arctic Ocean" documents the proceedings of the 2010 NATO Advanced Research Workshop (ARW) in Cambridge, England, that was initiated and co-convened by Ecologic Institute.
- Language
- Published in
- Environmental Security in the Arctic Ocean
- Published by
Springer-Verlag, Germany - Year
- Dimension
- 12 pp.
E-Book: 978-94-007-4713-5 Hardcover: 978-94-007-4712-8 Softcover: 978-94-007-4751-7
- Table of contents
Click to show full table of contents
- Foreword; Lloyd Axworthy
- Preface: International, Interdisciplinary, and Inclusive Perspectives; Paul A. Berkman, and Alexander N. Vylegzhanin
- Opening Remarks; Arturo Nikolayevich Chilingarov; Inuuteq Holm Olsen; Jan Arild Ellingsen
Environmental State-Change in the Arctic Ocean
- Diminishing Sea-Ice Cover in the Arctic Ocean; Peter Wadhams
- Arctic Climate Change – Security Challenges and Stewardship Opportunities; Kenneth S. Yalowitz
- Sustainable Development Considerations in the Arctic; Nikolaj Bock
- Arctic Change Impact Assessment: Setting the Stage; Robert W. Corell.
- Geopolitics of the Arctic Ocean
- Environmental Security in the Arctic – Impacts on Indigenous Peoples; Patricia A.L. Cochran
- United States Policy in the Arctic; Raymundo W. Arnaudo
- The Environmental Component of the National Maritime Policy of the Russian Federation in the Arctic Region; Dariya V. Vasilevskaya et al.
- Canada’s Arctic Foreign Policy; James R. Wright
- Perspectives from a Non-Arctic Nation: the Case of France; Maggy Heintz
- Observations on the Evolution of NATO’s Science Programme; James McQuaid
- Arctic Futures: The Power of Ideas; Oran R. Young.-
Risks of Instabilities from the Arctic Ocean State-Change
- Gaps in International Legal Frameworks for the Arctic Ocean; Timo Koivurova
- Environmental Security Challenges and the Arctic Council’s Arctic Marine Shipping Assessment; Lawson W. Brigham
- Oil and Gas Development Risks and Opportunities in the Arctic Ocean; Robert J. Blaauw
- The Arctic Ocean and UNCLOS Article 76: Are there any Commons?; Lars Kullerud et al.
- Cooperation or Conflict in the New Arctic? Too Simple of a Dichotomy; Rob N. Huebert
- The Security Implications of Climate Change in the Arctic Ocean; Kristian Atland.
Arctic Ocean Infrastructure Considerations
- Global Change, Northern Transformations, and a Changing Socio-economic Landscape; Joan Nymand Larsen
- Legal Aspects of Navigation through the Northern Sea Route; Ivan Bunik, and Vladimir V. Mikhaylichenko
- Ensuring Safe, Secure and Reliable Shipping in the Arctic Ocean; Heike Degg
- The Challenges of Oil Spill Response in the Arctic; Staff Working Paper, National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling
- Transatlantic Policy Options to Address the Rapidly Changing Arctic; Sandra Cavalieri, and R. Andreas Kraemer
Promoting Cooperation and Preventing Conflict in the Arctic Ocean
- Political Stability and Multi-Level Governance in the Arctic; Olaf Schram Stokke
- Arctic Science in the Common Interest; Steven C. Bigras
- Achieving Environmental Security in the Arctic Ocean: The Institutional Challenges; Ingo Winkelmann
- Can Competent Authorities Cooperate for the Common Good: Towards a Collective Arrangement in the North-East Atlantic?; David Johnson
- Cooperation Across Boundaries in the Arctic Ocean; Rolf Einar Fife
- Cooperation in the Arctic Region; Marie Jacobsson
- Building Common Interests in the Arctic Ocean; Paul A. Berkman, und Alexander N. Vylegzhanin
- Keywords
Climate change, Transatlantic policy, adaptation, shipping, oil, gas, fish stocks, marine biodiversity, indigenous people, international treaty, governanceEU, US, Arctic
Arctic Climate Change Emerging Leaders Fellowship (ACCEL)
- Duration
- Funding
Allianz Foundation for North America (Allianz), United States Robert Bosch Foundation, Germany
Riedel, Arne (2013): "Regulation of Fisheries in the Arctic High Seas - Going Forward with a Sidestep?", in: Timo Koivurova, Waliul Hasanat (Eds.): Current Developments in Arctic Law, 42-44.
Tedsen, Elizabeth, Sandra Cavalieri, and R. Andreas Kraemer (eds.) 2014: Arctic Marine Governance. Opportunities for Transatlantic Cooperation. Heidelberg: Springer.
Speech:American, European, and Arctic Perspectives on the Energy Crisis in Ukraine
- Date
- Location
- Dartmouth, United States
Speech:EU in the Arctic, the Arctic in the EU - Gap Analysis Report
- Date
- Location
- Brussels, Belgium
Chairing:Canada's Arctic Council Chairmanship
- Date
- Location
- Berlin, Germany
Speech:Multilateral Governance in the Arctic via the Arctic Council and its Observers – an Arctic Community?
- Date
- Location
- Venice, Italy
Discussion:The Arctic Council: Geopolitical Aspects and the Human Dimension Discussion
- Date
- Location
- Berlin, Germany
Digital Event:Arctic Summer College 2014
- Date
- Location
- Berlin, Germany
Digital Event:Arctic Summer College 2013
- Date
- Location
- Berlin, Germany