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Implementation Report for Mining Waste Directive and ELV Directive

Implementation Report for Mining Waste Directive and ELV Directive

Implementation Report for Mining Waste Directive and ELV Directive


In order to foster implementation of waste-related European Directives the state of national implementation among the EU-27 must be analysed and assessed. The project supported the European Commission by analysing the completeness of the national implementation reports for the End-of-life vehicles and the Mining waste Directives. Thus, it contributed to identifying outstanding requirements of the Directives and hence policy action.

As regards the End-of-life vehicles (ELV) Directive, the EU member states have already been obliged to submit two national implementation reports for periods 2002 – 2005 and 2005 – 2008. Concerning the mining waste Directive the national implementation reports for the first reporting period 2008 – 2011 were in the process of being provided to the Commission.

In order to meet the project's objectives, the project team assessed the Member State's national implementation reports for both Directives for the time period 2008-2011 as to their completeness. Assessment was based on a Excel matrix for assessing completeness of the national information in relation to the questionnaire items that the Commission has set up in two Decisions (Commission Decision 2001/753/EC for the ELV Directive, Commission Decision 2009/358/EC for the Mining Waste Directive). The national implementation reports were summarised and analysed for information gaps, and identifying further need for policy action.

The final report Implementation Report for Directive 2006/21/EC2 on the Management of Waste from Extractive Industries (Mining Waste Directive) [pdf, 2.1 MB, English] is available for download.


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Dr. Martin Hirschnitz-Garbers
Lucas Porsch
Sabrina Schärf
Florian Strenge
Project ID
Implementation, End-of-life vehicles Directive, Mining Waste Directive, Completeness