Electricity in the EU – Sparking a Green Economy
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Eurostat 2012: Electricity in the EU – Sparking a Green Economy. Video online: http://youtu.be/ez1NnCTYQSE
The way Europeans consume and produce electricity can affect the environment. Here statistics have important findings to share ranging from data on what are the negative environmental effects of our daily behaviour to what are the most significant trends on electricity generated from renewable sources.
This video is one out of four that were developed and produced within the project EU sustainable development indicators: video production, co-ordinated by the Ecologic Institute.
Script: Georgia Cockerell, Melanie Kemper
Production: Haymarket Media
Expert Advisors: Mariana Popova, Viktoria Bolla, Markus Hametner, Albrecht Gradmann
Length: 3:45 Min.