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Green Economy in the Context of Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication - Videos for Rio+20

Green Economy in the Context of Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication - Videos for Rio+20

Green Economy in the Context of Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication - Videos for Rio+20


Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, released four videos addressing the themes of the upcoming Rio+20 Conference. The videos tell stories in which the fictional journalist Marta Wisdom investigates the topics of green growth, green economy, and poverty in the EU. In her reportages and interviews she uses EU statistics. The videos explain what green growth could mean for the EU's sustainable development, how Europeans consume and produce electricity, whether poverty is only a question of income, how Europeans feel about poverty in different cities, and how evenly income is distributed in the EU. Ecologic Institute was involved in the development and production of the videos.

Electricity in the EU – Sparking a Green Economy

[3:45 min]

The way Europeans consume and produce electricity can affect the environment. Here statistics have important findings to share ranging from data on what are the negative environmental effects of our daily behaviour to what are the most significant trends on electricity generated from renewable sources.


Making More From Less – Stepping Towards Green Growth in the EU

[3:56 min]

EU progress towards sustainable development goes side by side with fostering green growth. Here resource productivity has an important role to play. Yet its measurement could have some interpretation pitfalls and it is important to be aware of them.


Poverty in Europe - Beyond Just Income

[5:57 min]

EU statistics depict poverty in a particular way, which goes beyond the income issues. At risk-of-poverty-or-social-exclusion indicator is an ample example of it. To understand why, one should know what is the rationale behind it and how important it is, that in the EU poverty and social exclusion go hand in hand.


Poverty in the EU – a Question of Perspective

[5:18 min]

Statistical measurement of income poverty as a relative concept is very specific to the EU. Yet besides this classical case there are various factors that make us think further about the relative nature of poverty. Some of the examples refer to statistics on how national income is distributed throughout the society, how living expenses differ across the countries as well as rural and urban areas, and how differently Europeans feel about poverty in their cities.


The four videos were developed and produced within the project EU sustainable development indicators: video production, co-ordinated by the Ecologic Institute.

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