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Different Planning Instruments for a Better Coordination of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation on the German Coast (KüstenKlima)

Fotolia©Andre Illing

Different Planning Instruments for a Better Coordination of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation on the German Coast (KüstenKlima)


In the F&E project "KüstenKlima" a range of solutions and recommended actions have been produced to show how spatial planning together with the instrument of Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) could support collaboration and conflict solving in settled or semi-natural German coastal areas – also with regard to climate protection and climate change. Ecologic Institute's Susanne Altvater, Franziska Lehmann, and Dr. Nico Stelljes have, together with the planning office "Raum und Energie," created various working aids for administrators and conducted workshops. The working aids are available online.

Climate change poses a growing challenge for the sustainable development of coastal regions. Both climate change mitigation and climate adaptation measures are necessary, requiring coordination with other spheres of activity and land uses in order to resolve or minimize potential conflicts. Using case study regions, this project aimed to identify possible solutions and recommendations for action on how spatial planning and integrated coastal zone management can contribute to coordination and potential conflict resolution.

The spatial implications of climate change differ significantly across regions. In particular, these impacts present challenges for the management of the various economic uses of coastal regions. In order for sustainable development to be successful, the creation and implementation of mitigation and adaptation strategies is needed. Consequently, the challenges in terms of resources and land use are growing. Because of competing land use claims and significantly increased environmental stresses, an early assessment through formal and informal land use planning is needed. For instance, one example of this challenge lies in the identification of suitable areas for wind turbines or biomass production.

Climate change mitigation and adaptation must be linked in an integrated manner in the coastal region. In particular, cross-sectoral planning has a major role to play in land use planning. Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) is an instrument that takes into account the different levels of decision-making and could contribute to the sustainable development of coastal region and potential conflict resolution.

Undertaken for the Federal Environment Agency (UBA), this project aimed to use case study regions to identify possible solutions and recommendations for action based on how spatial planning and ICM could contribute to coordination and potential conflict resolution. The focus lied on four selected case study regions in order to elaborate recommendations in cooperation with the local coastal stakeholders.

The case study areas are:

  • District of Aurich, Lower Saxony
  • Office Eiderstedt / district of Northern Friesland, Schleswig-Holstein
  • Schleswig-Holstein's Baltic coast, focusing on the Kiel Fjord and Bay of Lübeck, Schleswig-Holstein
  • Planning Association of Western Pomerania, with focus areas on the districts of Western Pomerania-Rugania and Greifswald, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

The working aids are available at the project website KüstenKlima.


More content from this project

Susanne Altvater, Ass.iur.
Franziska Lehmann
Gesa Homann LLM
Project ID
Climate change, adaptation, mitigation, flood control, soil conservation, renewable energy, environmental and planning law, ICM, land use planning
North Sea, Baltic Sea Coast, Aurich, Lower Saxony, Eiderstedt, Northern Friesland, Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel Fjord, Bay of Lübeck, Rugania, Greifswald, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania