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Outstanding Climate Adaptation

Outstanding Climate Adaptation

Outstanding Climate Adaptation


The "Regional Adaptation Strategies for the German Baltic Sea Coast" (RADOST) project, led by Ecologic Institute, was recently awarded a spot among the "365 Landmarks in the Land of Ideas," along with six other German regions that are instituting climate adaptation measures. The model regions of the research program "KLIMZUG – Managing Climate Change in the Regions for the Future" are among the "Selected Landmarks 2012" that are being recognized by the "Germany – Land of Ideas" initiative of the Federal Government and German business community. The jury has thus acknowledged the innovative approach of RADOST and the other KLIMZUG projects that attempts to involve regional stakeholders in all steps of research design and implementation, starting at the very beginning of the process.

To what extent will the sea level rise, and which sea currents can be expected in the individual regions? How can communities deal with increased shoreline trash accumulation and reductions in water quality? And how can conservation areas be protected when climate change is likely to exacerbate pre-existing conflicts? These questions guide RADOST's work in creating innovative solutions by sharing research results with local stakeholders on the ground. Not only research institutes take part in this project, which is funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research, but also regional authorities, engineering consultancies, and other partners. This approach is now being recognized as an especially valuable contribution to Germany's future viability.

These activities along the Baltic Sea coast have also garnered interest internationally. Dr. Grit Martinez, the RADOST project leader, was named an Adjunct Associate Professor at Duke University last week. She will begin her first stay at Duke's Marine Laboratory in Beaufort in February 2012. The purpose of her visit will be to compare analytically how the general public and decision makers on the Baltic Sea coast and the east coast of the USA react to the challenges presented by climate change.


Karin Beese

Daniel Blobel

Ecologic Institute, Berlin

Pfalzburger Strasse 43/44

10717 Berlin | Germany

Tel. +49 (30) 86880-0 |

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