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Ecologic Newsletter No 107 - November 2011

Ecologic Institute


  1. Ecologic Institute Events in Durban
  2. Saving Tomorrow – Today? International Perspectives in the Run-Up to the UN Climate Change Conference 2011 in Durban - Perspective: The European Union - Publication
  3. Sustainable Planning of Megaprojects in the Circumpolar North - Publication
  4. The EU’s Arctic Footprint - Publication
  5. Review of Policies on Climate Change, Water Conflicts and Human Security - Publication
  6. The German Solution: Feed-In Tariffs - Publication
  7. Co-ops in the Clouds: Marketing Mountain Food - Video
  8. Konrad von Moltke Fund Reception – Honoring the 2011 Grantees
  9. Further Information and News
  1. Ecologic Institute Events in Durban

    Ecologic Institute will be presenting research results during various events taking place at the 17th Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC, to be held in Durban, South Africa from 28 November to 9 December 2011.

  2. Saving Tomorrow – Today? International Perspectives in the Run-Up to the UN Climate Change Conference 2011 in Durban - Perspective: The European Union - Publication

    With expiration looming, the future of the Kyoto Protocol may be at stake at the upcoming climate summit in Durban. The strong focus on Kyoto puts the EU in a particularly difficult position, as it would like to move forward, but feels that making further commitments under Kyoto without adequate pledges from other Par¬ties would be the equivalent of handing over its final trump card.

  3. Sustainable Planning of Megaprojects in the Circumpolar North - Publication

    Assessing the sustainable development of megaprojects in the Circumpolar North involves looking at socio-economic and environmental impacts, while studying the processes that enable citizen participation. Two megaprojects in Iceland and Canada are evaluated through these lenses, and lessons learned are derived for the sustainable planning of future megaprojects. The publication is available online.

  4. The EU's Arctic Footprint - Publication

    As part of the EU's efforts to define its role in Arctic management and decision making, the European Commission Directorate-General for the Environment funded the EU Arctic Footprint and Policy Assessment to determine its impact, responsibilities, and policy options to protect the Arctic. This article summarizes the key findings from the study, and presents an overview of the EU's Arctic footprint. The article is available for download.

  5. Review of Policies on Climate Change, Water Conflicts and Human Security - Publication

    The Mediterranean, Middle East, and Sahel region is a climate change "hot spot". Whether climate change undermines human security and creates conflict or results in cooperation over water resources depends in part on the institutions in place and policies adopted in these areas. This report, compiled as part of the CLICO research project, provides initial insight into the current policy landscape on climate change adaptation and water resources management, and the extent to which impacts of hydro-climatic hazards on human security and conflict are already addressed.

  6. The German Solution: Feed-In Tariffs - Publication

    Climate change, the finiteness of fossil fuels, national security, and job creation: there are many reasons to invest in renewable energy. In this article in the New York Times, Christoph H. Stefes, Senior Associate at Ecologic Institut, explains that investments in renewable energy are lacking due to the absence of a stable investment environment. The article is available online.

  7. Co-ops in the clouds: Marketing Mountain Food - Video

    Small-scale producers working in Europe’s mountain regions create some truly unique and incredible products. However, they often face problems in marketing, distributing, and selling their products. This animated video, produced by Ecologic Institute as part of the mountain.TRIP project, introduces ideas and approaches for solving them. Yes, it takes hard work and careful planning, but the potential of mountain products really is enormous.

  8. Konrad von Moltke Fund Reception – Honoring the 2011 Grantees

    On 7 November 2011, friends, colleagues, and family members of Konrad von Moltke gathered in Washington, DC in order to learn about developments of the Konrad von Moltke Fund (KvM) since its inception in 2009.

  9. Further Information and News


Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin

Person in charge: R. Andreas Kraemer, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin

ISSN 1613-1363

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