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Ecologic Institute Events in Durban

Ecologic Institute Events in Durban

Ecologic Institute Events in Durban


Ecologic Institute will be presenting research results during various events taking place at the 17th Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC, to be held in Durban, South Africa from 28 November to 9 December 2011.

On 28 November 2011, Christiane Gerstetter, Fellow at the Ecologic Institute, will present insights from the research project CLICO on climate change, water conflicts and human security. The presentation is part of an event entitled "Africa-EU scientific and technological cooperation in the field of climate change: best practices, challenges and opportunities for addressing capacity needs for research in Africa". The event is organised by DG Research of the European Commission. It will be held on Monday, 28 November, 13 – 15h in the EU pavillon.

On 1st November 2011, the Water Governance Group at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), South Africa, and Ecologic Institute jointly host an event  entitled "Making global climate change debates relevant to the people of the Limpopo Province". The event will start with a screening of the short documentary film "Finding the Fable" which is set in South Africa’s Limpopo Province. This documentary shows how different stakeholders are making a living along the Limpopo River, and how their livelihoods are being challenged by changes in the climate. It also deals with how these perceive these changes and their effects. Presentations will follow about project experiences that CSIR and Ecologic Institute have had that link to the contents of the documentary. An interactive session will then take place that addresses some pertinent questions about localised experiences of climate change and possible innovative governance interventions to address the negative consequences of these experiences.

The event will be held at the Sharks Board Room at CSIR Durban, from 9 – 12:30h. A shuttle service will be available for participants. They will be collected from the CSIR exhibition space at the Durban ICC at 08:15h and be dropped off after the workshop. Refreshments and a light lunch will be served. For more information and confirming your attendance please contact Christiane Gerstetter.

On 8 December 2011, Matthias Duwe, Head of Climate, will moderate a side event entitled "Climate change, violent conflict and human security", organised jointly by the ETH Zürich, the Ecologic Institute and Initiatives of Change International.

Climate change is sometimes predicted to foster violent conflict and will certainly have an impact on human security. During the event, ETH Zürich will present conceptual and theoretical insights on the relationship between climate change, conflict and human security resulting from the CLICO research project, of which Ecologic Institute is one of the partners. Initiatives of Change International, concentrates on pertinent policies and practical steps to address the links between conflict and climate change. With speakers from academia and practitioners, the side event contributes to a discussion that has only recently emerged on the climate change agenda.

The side event takes place on Thursday, December 8, 2011, 18:30 - 20:00h, in Room 2 at the Durban Exhibition Centre (DEC). For further information, please contact Christiane Gerstetter.