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Ecologic Newsletter No 106 - October 2011

Ecologic Institute


  1. Addressing the Challenge of Global Climate Mitigation – An Assessment of Existing Venues and Institutions - Study online
  2. Explain, expand, research: How the German green energy shift and nuclear phase-out can become European - Publication
  3. A survey of the perceptions of regional political decision makers concerning climate change and adaption in the German Baltic Sea region - Report online
  4. European Fisheries Fund (EFF) Sustainability Criteria - Study online
  5. Comments on European Commission’s Green Book on Development Policy – Brief to the European Parliament
  6. Beyond GDP: Linking mainstream economic indicators with sustainability measures - Final conference of IN-STREAM
  7. Ecologic Institute Brussels: 10 Years of European Success - Event
  8. From Durban to Rio – Where Europe and China can lead - Presentation
  9. Ecologic Institute in five minutes - Video
  10. Ecologic Institute seeks new staff – Job Opportunities
  1. Addressing the Challenge of Global Climate Mitigation – An Assessment of Existing Venues and Institutions - Study online

    Recent years have seen the climate negotiations under the United Nations fail to achieve a major breakthrough on climate change mitigation, and no such breakthrough is expected in the near future. In a study commissioned by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Dr. Camilla Bausch and Michael Mehling evaluate various venues and institutions addressing the climate challenge, and assess their influence on the future of global mitigation efforts. The study is available for download.

  2. Explain, expand, research: How the German green energy shift and nuclear phase-out can become European - Publication

    This article published in Internationale Politik, Germany's leading foreign policy journal, explores the impact of Germany's phase-out of nuclear power on EU policies. Sascha Müller-Kraenner, a founder and policy advisor of Ecologic Institute, invites Germans to consider the impact of this policy on other EU Member States and sketches challenges for EU energy and climate policy. The article is available online.

  3. A survey of the perceptions of regional political decision makers concerning climate change and adaption in the German Baltic Sea region - Report online

    Ecologic Institute and Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht (HZG) conducted an online survey with regional political stakeholders from the German Baltic Sea coast in spring 2011. Eleven hundred actors at the community level in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania and Schleswig-Holstein were surveyed on their perceptions of climate-induced changes in their communities and possible measures for adapting to climate change. They were also questioned on their experience with using regional climate data and its use in political practice. The report is available for download.

  4. European Fisheries Fund (EFF) Sustainability Criteria - Study online

    A new study has found that financial support is being allocated under the European Fisheries Fund (EFF) to activities with little or no evidence that they are environmentally or socially sustainable. The EFF's goal is to provide financial support for the implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). Both the EFF and the CFP are responsible for the conservation and sustainable use of marine resources. However, most EU Member States use application forms which lack sufficient environmental and social assessment criteria. The study is available for download.

  5. Comments on European Commission’s Green Book on Development Policy – Brief to the European Parliament online

    In December 2010, the EU Commission published a Green Book on the future of EU development policy, entitled "EU development policy in support of inclusive growth and sustainable development - Increasing the impact of EU development policy." At the request of the European Parliament, Ecologic Institute commented on certain aspects of the Green Book. The brief is available for download.

  6. Beyond GDP: Linking mainstream economic indicators with sustainability measures - Final conference of IN-STREAM

    Ecologic Institute organized the final conference of IN-STREAM from the 27 to 28th of September in Brussels. The conference summarized the research results of IN-STREAM and provided a forum for an intensive discussion with other parties involved in the Beyond GDP process, such as the European Environment Agency, the European Commission, the OECD, UNEP and the Global Footprint Network. The discussion covered a wide range of topics regarding how sustainability can be measured and bproduced important results on how to identify and quantify trade-offs between different dimensions of sustainability.

  7. Ecologic Institute Brussels: 10 Years of European Success - Event

    On Tuesday, 27 September 2011, Ecologic Institute celebrated this important milestone with a special event held at the Académie royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique in Brussels. Dr. Achim Steiner, Dr. Jaqueline McGlade, Prof. Klaus Töpfer and others congratulated the Ecologic Institute to its work in video messages and testimonials. The evening programme also featured a panel discussion with Paul Ekins, Sebastian Winkler and Christian Averous on GDP and Indicators of Sustainable Development, with a focus on the challenge to foster the use of sustainability indicators in policy making. Video messages and pictures of the event can be downloaded.

  8. From Durban to Rio – Where Europe and China can lead - Presentation

    Sascha Müller-Kraenner, one of the founders and a Partner of Ecologic Institute, describes how the road to the Durban climate conference and the Rio+20 summit next year should look like in a presentation held at the Shanghai Office of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation at the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies.

  9. Ecologic Institute in five minutes - Video

    Ecologic Institute is a private not-for-profit think tank for applied environmental research, policy analysis and consultancy with offices in Berlin, Brussels, Vienna, Washington, DC, and San Mateo, CA.
    Sound complicated? It is! What do we work on? For whom do we work and who are we? What makes Ecologic Institute a "Knowledge Garden?" This film provides answers to these questions.

  10. Ecologic Institute seeks new staff – Job Opportunities

    Ecologic Institute is currently offering the following positions:
    - Fully-qualified lawyer specialized in energy law (Application deadline: 24 November 2011)
    - IT System Administrator (Application deadline: 27 November 2011)
    - Expert in climate policy and emissions trading (Application deadline: 27 November 2011).
    For more information regarding the requirements and the necessary application documents, please visit our website. Please apply online.


Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin

Person in charge: R. Andreas Kraemer, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin

ISSN 1613-1363

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