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From Durban to Rio – Where Europe and China can lead

From Durban to Rio – Where Europe and China can lead

From Durban to Rio – Where Europe and China can lead

Shanghai, China

Sascha Müller-Kraenner, one of the founders and a Partner of Ecologic Institute, describes in a presentation held on invitation of the Shanghai Office of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation at Fudan University, how the road to the Durban climate conference and the Rio+20 summit next year should look like.

At Durban a balance has to be found between an extension of the Kyoto-Protocol and negotiations for a long term comprenesive global agreement that comprises all parties. Progress on international climate finance will play a key role to achieve such a deal. Both the EU and China can lead here through decisive domestic and international action.

Rio+20 should succeed to anchor progress on energy and climate change within a framework of a broader green economy paradigm.

The presentation [pdf, 105 KB, English], held at Fudan University, and again at the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies (SIIS) is available for download. A mor detailed text will soon appear to FES Shanghai's website.

Shanghai, China
UNFCCC, Kyoto-Protocol, climate negotiations, climate diplomacy, environmental diplomacy, multilateral environmental agreements, MEAs, Rio 2012