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Das Klimaschutzrecht des Bundes


Das Klimaschutzrecht des Bundes

Analyse und Vorschläge zu seiner Weiterentwicklung


Rodi, Michael and Sina, Stephan: "Das Klimaschutzrecht des Bundes - Analyse und Vorschläge zu seiner Weiterentwicklung", study for the Federal Environment Agency, Dessau-Roßlau 2011, 1-595.

In light of the increasing importance of climate change, a number of related legislative activities in Germany have occurred. However the resulting climate change law is incomplete and not always coherent. Professor Michael Rodi from the University of Greifswald and Ecologic Institute analysed German federal climate change law and developed proposals for its advancement. The legal study on behalf of the Federal Environment Agency is available for download.

The proposals for the advancement of federal climate change law in particular comprise:

  • Possible outlines of a Climate Protection Act
  • Further considerations on the structure of climate change law
  • Advancement of the legal bases for sustainable energy grids
  • Federal requirements for municipal climate protection
  • Agricultural land use

The interim results of this legal study were discussed on 30 August 2010 at a workshop among a panel of experts.

The final version of the study has been published online as number 17/2001 of the Climate Change publications of the Federal Environment Agency (UBA).


Dr. Christiane Gerstetter
Alexander Neubauer
Michael Rodi (Universität Greifswald)
Published in
Climate Change Series: Das Klimaschutzrecht des Bundes – Analyse und Vorschläge zu seiner Weiterentwicklung, 17|2011
Published by
595 pp.
Project ID
Table of contents
Climate change law, Environmental law, Analysis