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Beyond GDP: IN-STREAM Workshop on Sustainability Indicators (focus on green growth and green innovation)

Beyond GDP: IN-STREAM Workshop on Sustainability Indicators (focus on green growth and green innovation)

Berlin, Germany
Lucas Porsch

This event was the third stakeholder workshop of the FP7 project IN-STREAM and was organised by the Ecologic Institute Berlin and the Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP). The focus of this workshop was green growth and green innovation and it brought together experts, statisticians, policy makers and representatives of civil society organisations to discuss and share experiences on how to improve the use of indicators to assess the progresses on economic and sustainability goals. The presentations are available for download.

On the 7th of July 2011 in Berlin members of the project teams presented results and discussed their policy relevance. The presentations examined the following topics:

  • Composite Indicators and their use in policy making on the example of the FEEM sustainability index
  • Climate policy and competitiveness
  • Cost and benefits of CO2 emission reductions
  • Eco-Innovation policies
  • The use of indicators in the policy cycle

Additionally in the afternoon the participants split up into working groups to discuss potential and barriers for green growth indicators in policy making of specific policy fields, emission trading, cohesion policy and energy efficiency policy for buildings. 

The IN-STREAM team will organise a final conference on the 27/28th September in Brussels. Links to registration are provided below.

The presentation of Lucas Porsch focused on the main characteristics of usable indicators in the policy cycle. Additionally the presentation explained in which ways the results of IN-STREAM could help policy makers to take sustainability into account.


Lucas Porsch
Berlin, Germany
beyond GDP, sustainability, sustainability indicators, green growth, green innovation, climate policy, policy cycle