OPEN:EU Workshop on the Footprint Family of Indicators & IN-STREAM Workshop on Sustainability Indicators (focus on biodiversity)
- Event
- Date
- Location
- Brussels, Belgium
This joint event was part of two FP7 projects: OPEN:EU and INSTREAM and was organised by the Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) and Ecologic Institute Berlin. It brought together experts, statisticians, policy makers and representatives of civil society organisations to discuss and share experiences on how to improve the use of indicators to assess progress on economic and sustainability goals.
On the 8 and 9 of February 2011 in Brussels, members of both project teams presented preliminary project results and discussed their policy relevance. The first day focused on OPEN:EU and the second day on IN STREAM. The presentations examined the following topics:
- Spectrum of policy usefulness of Ecological, Carbon and Water Footprints
- The integrated Footprint Family of indicators and their added value
- The EUREAPA tool and the policy cycle
- The use of indicators for ecosystems and health effects
- The use of sustainability indicators for policy making
Additionally, on the second day the participants split up into working groups to discuss the potential of and barriers to the use of biodiversity related indicators in policy making.
Two further workshops are planned within the IN STREAM project. On the 7th of April, IN-STREAM invites stakeholders to a workshop in Prague focusing on resource efficiency, and on the 7th of July a third workshop will take place in Berlin focusing on green growth and green innovation. Links to registration are provided below.
Further links:
- Agenda, presentations, and minutes from Day 1 of the workshop (OPEN:EU)
- Ecologic Insitute Project: OPEN:EU
- Ecologic Insitute Project: IN-STREAM
- Project website: OPEN:EU
- Ecologic Institute Event: Beyond GDP - Final conference of IN-STREAM: Linking mainstream economic indicators with sustainability measures