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Ecologic Newsletter No 101 - May 2011

Ecologic Institute


  1. Science-practice dialogue on climate adaptation at the German Baltic Sea coast - 2nd annual RADOST conference
  2. Emerging Climate Change Coastal Adaptation Strategies and Case Studies around the World - Publication
  3. Sino-German Training Course on Green Growth and Environmental Management - Event
  4. China's next Five Year Plan - Towards a Green Revolution? - Climate Talk
  5. Economic assessment of genetically modified crops - Report online
  6. Environmental impacts of Electric Vehicles - Report online
  7. 1st RADOST annual report - Publication
  8. Transatlantic Options for Improved Integrated Maritime Governance - CALAMAR Final Conference
  9. The New North: How European is the Arctic? - Presentation
  10. The Importance of Policy in Fostering the Market for Renewable Energy Technologies - Event
  1. Science-practice dialogue on climate adaptation at the German Baltic Sea coast - 2nd annual RADOST conference

    Scientists and practitioners have rarely had the opportunity to exchange their ideas on climate adaptation in such an up-to-date and direct way as at the second RADOST annual conference on 18 and 19 May in Travemünde. What are the expected impacts of climate change at the regional and local level at the German Baltic Sea coast? How can local stakeholders adapt to these? What kind of scientific information do they need as a basis for implementing such measures? These questions were discussed by 75 scientists in the fields of climate and natural science research, political science and sociology, together with representatives from politics, administration, economy and civil society in several science-practice dialogues. This offered stakeholders willing to promote climate adaptation in their region another opportunity to get involved in the design of this development process.

  2. Emerging Climate Change Coastal Adaptation Strategies and Case Studies around the World - Publication

    Climate change and ongoing transformations in the economy and agriculture will have numerous, strong impacts on the Baltic Region. The book "Global Change and Baltic Coastal Zones" provides comprehensive information on these changes, their consequences and the practical challenges they pose. Grit Martinez and Daniel Blobel from Ecologic Institute, along with co-authors Livia Bizikova (International Institute for Sustainable Development) and Rob Swart (Alterra Wageningen University and Research Centre), contributed a comparative analysis of climate change adaptation projects and strategies in different coastal regions of the world. The publication is supported by the RADOST project (Regional Adaptation Strategies for the German Baltic Sea Coast), which Ecologic Institute coordinates.

  3. Sino-German Training Course on Green Growth and Environmental Management - Event

    On behalf of GIZ, Ecologic Institute designed, organised and implemented a study tour for directors and assistant directors of various Chinese environmental agencies and the Chinese Ministry of Environment from 27 March to 9 April 2011. The training conveyed important aspects of European and German environmental policy to the participants through presentations, lectures and discussions. The programme was complemented by several excursions and visits of relevant institutions in Berlin and Hamburg (Europe’s 2011 environment capital).

  4. China's next Five Year Plan - Towards a Green Revolution? - Climate Talk

    With its rapid economic growth and its rapidly growing need for energy, the People's Republic of China plays a central role in international climate policy. The emerging economy is now the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases. At least at the national level, the Chinese government has declared its intention to fight climate change. China implemented a series of measures on energy efficiency, energy saving and renewable energies and was able to reduce the energy intensity of its economy by 20% over the past five years (according to own data). This is in line with the last five-year plan. The Content and implementation of the new Five-Year Plan were the subject of the Climate Talk on 28 March 2011.

  5. Economic assessment of genetically modified crops - Report online

    The debates on the benefits and threats of genetically modified crops are highly controversial and often misleading due to insufficient information and varying interpretations of existing data. In addition, it has not clearly been shown whether farmers benefit economically over time from growing genetically modified crops in relation to growing conventional crops. The project aimed to analyse the direct monetary and income effects for farmers growing genetically modified crops, as well as the decisive factors behind them. The report is available for download.

  6. Environmental impacts of Electric Vehicles - Report online

    Electric vehicles have the potential to make significant contributions towards achieving the EU’s climate protection goals in the transport sector. However, the environmental impacts of a large scale introduction of electric vehicles are still unknown. This project develops scenarios for the increased dissemination of electric vehicles in the EU until 2050 and formulates policy recommendations from these findings. The full report of this project is available for download.

  7. 1st RADOST annual report - Publication

    Longer and warmer summers on the German Baltic Sea coast: this is a possible implication of climate change that could certainly also serve as an opportunity for the tourism sector. At the same time however, negative impacts such as increased algae growth are also expected. Communities and stakeholders in the coastal region will have to adapt to these impacts in the near future. In the first RADOST annual report, the RADOST project partners present both impacts and possible adaptation strategies in the fields of coastal protection, tourism, water management and agriculture, ports and marine economy, renewable energy and conservation and land use. The survey is available for download (in German only).

  8. Transatlantic Options for Improved Integrated Maritime Governance - CALAMAR Final Conference

    How can the EU and the US work together to improve management of coastal and ocean affairs, not only within their own territories, but across the North Atlantic? What are the obstacles to establishing integrated and science-based frameworks for maritime governance in the EU and US, and how can they be overcome? How can management be improved through the involvement of key players from science, industry, civil society and government? These questions and more were debated at the Cooperation Across the Atlantic for Marine Governance Integration (CALAMAR) final conference that took place in Lisbon (Portugal).

  9. The New North: How European is the Arctic? - Presentation

    Hannah Strauss, visiting scholar at Ecologic Institute, together with other experts on the Arctic and H.E. Danish Ambassador Per Poulsen-Hansen, discussed Europe’s impact on and interest in a "New North". The panel discussion was preceded by a presentation of Matthias Hannemann’s recent book, "Der Neue Norden. Die Arktis und der Traum vom Aufbruch", and focused on various aspects related to the political and economic development of the Arctic region.

  10. The Importance of Policy in Fostering the Market for Renewable Energy Technologies - Event

    At an Ecoscholars event hosted by First Solar, GmbH, David Wortmann, the company's Vice President of Policy and Public Affairs provided an overview of the company and discussed the key role of policy in the continued promotion and expansion of the renewable energy industry and fostering the market for renewable energy technologies. The dialogue was initiated by Loni Gardner of Ecologic Institute, who coordinates Ecoscholars. Ecoscholars is a discussion and networking group for Berlin-based international scholars and experts who are involved in climate change, energy, sustainability, and other environmental topics.


Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin

Person in charge: R. Andreas Kraemer, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin

ISSN 1613-1363

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