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Ecologic Newsletter No 96 – December 2010


  1. Ecologic Institute at the Climate Summit in Cancun
  2. Climate Change Adaptation - Competition Launched
  3. Analysis of the German Federal Government’s National Renewable Energy Action Plan - Publication
  4. Legality of measures addressing carbon leakage - Study online
  5. Pre-modelling analysis of the Footprint Family of indicators in EU and international policy contexts - Publication
  6. mountain.TRIP: First practitioner consultation workshop - Event
  7. Economic Transformation in Aging Industrial Regions - Transatlantic Media Dialogue
  8. What Arctic Policy for Europe? - Presentation
  1. Ecologic Institute at the Climate Summit in Cancun

    A breakthrough in the UN climate negotiations was achieved in Cancun (Mexico) during the first two weeks of December 2010. The conference revived the process by reaching a set of operational decisions that both formalise essential elements of last year's "Copenhagen Accord" and keep the prospect of a binding agreement open. The decisions have given a new impulse to building the future climate regime, but details still need to be worked out in the run-up to the next summit in South Africa in 2011. A delegation from Ecologic Institute also attended the climate summit.

  2. Climate Change Adaptation – Competition Launched

    What practical measures can already be taken and implemented now in order to adapt to climate change? The competition “forward-thinking change – act now: adaptation pioneers wanted!” is looking for answers to this question. The competition was launched by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment and KomPass - Climate Impacts and Adaptation in Germany (Federal Environment Agency) in cooperation with Ecologic Institute, Berlin. More detailed information can be found here:

  3. Analysis of the German Federal Government’s National Renewable Energy Action Plan – Publication

    Do the National Renewable Energy Action Plans concerning Member States’ goals for 2020 address the long-term restructuring of electricity generation? Do they consider possibilities for European cooperation? Dr. Stephan Sina and Katharina Umpfenbach of the Ecologic Institute examined these questions in their analysis of the German Renewable Energy Action Plan commissioned by the European Green Foundation.

  4. Legality of measures addressing carbon leakage – Study online

    Differences in national climate protection policies can lead – at least in principle – to ‘carbon leakage’, i.e. the relocation of industries to countries with less stringent climate change legislation and a subsequent increase in greenhouse gas emissions in those countries. In a legal study for the German Federal Environmental Agency (UBA), the Ecologic Institute and WTI Advisors analyse whether measures to address carbon-leakage are compatible with EU and WTO law. The study is available for download.

  5. Pre-modelling analysis of the Footprint Family of indicators in EU and international policy contexts – Publication

    Doris Knoblauch and Alexander Neubauer of Ecologic Institute analyse which EU and international policies can be informed by the three Footprint Indicators (Ecological, Carbon, and Water Footprints). Furthermore, the report uses the RACER and SWOT analysis to evaluate the indicators’ robustness, their usefulness for assessing progress towards the policy objectives and the possibilities for their integration into policy making.

  6. mountain.TRIP: First practitioner consultation workshop – Event

    European mountain practitioners and their representative organisations were invited to a workshop in Brussels on 9 November 2010 to review communication products developed by the mountain.TRIP project. This workshop gathered practical input on how to bridge the gap between EU research results on sustainable mountain development and the information needs of practitioners on the ground.

  7. Economic Transformation in Aging Industrial Regions – Transatlantic Media Dialogue

    As part of the Transatlantic Climate Bridge, the Ecologic Institute organised a Transatlantic Media Dialogue to discuss structural change and economic transformation in Germany and the USA. The exchange took place from 31 October to 4 November 2010 in Gelsenkirchen and focused on the whole Ruhr region. The dialogue brought together about 25 participants – German and US journalists as well as experts on the topics discussed. The program was complemented by field trips to explore the “European Capital of Culture RUHR.2010”.

  8. What Arctic Policy for Europe? – Presentation

    Climate change brings significant changes to the Arctic, resulting in a new geopolitical dynamics and challenges in the relations between Arctic and non-Arctic nations. On 23 November 2010, the German Konrad Adenauer Foundation convened an expert meeting in Berlin to discuss the strategic, military and political challenges, the role of the EU, and implications for resource, energy and climate policy. R. Andreas Kraemer of Ecologic Institute was invited as keynote speaker on EU Arctic Policy in the context of regional environmental governance.


Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin

Person in charge: R. Andreas Kraemer, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin

ISSN 1613-1363