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Analyse des Nationalen Aktionsplans für erneuerbare Energie der deutschen Bundesregierung


Analyse des Nationalen Aktionsplans für erneuerbare Energie der deutschen Bundesregierung

Die EU auf dem Weg zu einer nachhaltigen Energieversorgung?


Umpfenbach, Katharina and Stephan Sina 2010: Die EU auf dem Weg zu einer nachhaltigen Energieversorgung? Eine Analyse des Deutschen Nationalen Aktionsplans für erneuerbare Energie. Short Study: Green European Foundation, Heinrich Böll Stiftung.

Do the National Renewable Energy Action Plans concerning Member States' goals for 2020 address the long-term restructuring of electricity generation? Do they consider possibilities for European cooperation? Dr. Stephan Sina and Katharina Umpfenbach of the Ecologic Institute examined these questions in their analysis of the German Renewable Energy Action Plan commissioned by the European Green Foundation.

Directive 2009/28/EG requires Germany to increase the percentage of renewable energies in its final energy consumption to 18 % and to outline in an Action Plan how it intends to achieve this goal. The short study [pdf, 2.35 MB, German] conducted by the Ecologic Institute provides an overview over the German Renewable Energy Action Plan before examining whether Germany is likely to achieve its goals for 2020. The main focus of the analysis concerns the question whether the Action Plan considers implications for after 2020 and possibilities for European cooperation. In this context, the study also factors in the recently adopted energy concept of the Federal Government. The analysis ends with additional suggestions for measures. In the main, the study concludes that Germany will presumably reach or even surpass its 2020 goal for the electricity sector if it adheres to the applicable framework and conditions announced by the Action Plan. Measures for the long-term restructuring of electricity generation were proposed mainly by the energy concept, since its strategy covers the timeframe up to 2050. It remains unclear, however, how conventional power parks are to develop in a changed electricity system with increasingly decentralized and fluctuating power generation. Measures for European Cooperation are also primarily considered in the energy concept. They can heighten the security of energy supply and reduce costs, but need to be implemented as soon as possible if the desired effects are to be realized until 2050.

The European Green Foundation has published a volume containing an English version of the analysis of the German Renewable Energy Action Plan along with studies of the Action Plans of other Member States.


Katharina Umpfenbach
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14 pp.
Table of contents
energy policy, renewable energies, Renewable Energies Directive, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Green European Foundation, National Action Plan, energy concept, expansion of electricity grids, European Cooperation