Der Rechtliche Rahmen von Geo-Engineering – Wer darf am Thermostat drehen?
- Publication
- Citation
Bodle, Ralph, and R. Andreas Kraemer (2010): "Der rechtliche Rahmen von Geo-Engineering – Wer darf am Thermotat drehen?", in: Politische Ökologie, vol. 28., no. 120, p. 44-47.
For some, geo-engineering (the large-scale alteration of the Earth's physical or bio-chemical characteristics) is a "plan B" to deal with climate change. The German policy journal "Politische Ökologie" dedicated a recent issue (no. 120) to this topic. Ralph Bodle and R. Andreas Kraemer of Ecologic Institute put the spotlight on the existing and desirable international legal framework.
Geo-engineering with global ramifications needs international rules. The existing rules are insufficient and do not provide for suitable governance of geo-engineering. States therefore need to coordinate and agree on a multilateral framework that can make this risky large-scale technology more legitimate and avoid political conflict.