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Costs, Benefits and Limitations of Adaptation Measures in Germany

Costs, Benefits and Limitations of Adaptation Measures in Germany

Costs, Benefits and Limitations of Adaptation Measures in Germany


In this pre-study, Ecologic Institute examined various methods for assessing the costs and benefits, but also limitations, of adaptation measures in Germany with the aim of prioritising adaptation measures to climate change.


The warming of global climate can already be observed in the form of rising surface temperatures and, according to forecasts, is expected to continue into the future. The change of average temperatures and the resulting change of precipitation patterns, sea levels, and wind situations entail numerous socio-economic impacts. It can be assumed that a number of economic sectors will be affected, including tourism, agriculture and forestry, as well as water and energy provision, the insurance industry and the public sector, via transport infrastructure and coastal and flood protection. Furthermore, it can be expected that certain impacts will affect all of society, and span multiple sectors or affect non-market goods, such as the endangerment of human life, biodiversity or other environmental goods.

Against this background, the necessity arises to examine and assess available methods for evaluating adaptation measures to climate change, in order to obtain a consistent toolkit for cost-benefit-analysis of this matter in Germany.


The project "Costs, benefits and limitations of adaptation measures in Germany“ is a pre-study for the Federal Environment Agency of Germany and supports the former in formulating requirements for a follow-up project preparing for the German Adaptation Strategy (DAS).

In particular, this project achieved the following objectives:

  • Surveyed and assessed the evidence base regarding costs, benefits and limitations of adaptation measures in Germany using a literature survey.
  • Evaluated various approaches to cross-sectoral cost-benefit-analysis of adaptation measures in Germany using transparent criteria regarding not only applicability,  but also a later prioritising of measures.
  • Gave specific recommendations for a follow-up project supporting the development and implementation of the German Adaptation Strategy.
Dr. Ingo Bräuer
Max Grünig
Daniel Blobel
Project ID
adaptation, climate change, costs, benefits, limitations, German adaptation strategy, Europe, German