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Ecologic Newsletter No 86 – February 2010

Ecologic Newsletter No 86 – February 2010

Ecologic Institute Newsletter
  1. Ecologic Institute in the International Year of Biodiversity 2010
  2. Sustainable development in the European Union. 2009 monitoring report of the EU sustainable development strategy – Publication
  3. Climate change mitigation in German agriculture – Study online
  4. Climate and Environmental Governance after Copenhagen – Transatlantic Lunch with Adil Najam
  5. Certification of Biofuels – Presentation
  6. Assessment of Proposals on Climate Tech Transfer – Final study online

1. Ecologic Institute in the International Year of Biodiversity 2010

The United Nations declared 2010 to be the International Year of Biodiversity. The European Commission is currently discussing a new target to halt the loss of biodiversity in Europe and the rest of the world. The Ecologic Institute is well positioned to contribute with a wide range of projects to developing meaningful steps towards a more effective policy for conserving biodiversity and ecosystems.

2. Sustainable development in the European Union. 2009 monitoring report of the EU sustainable development strategy – Publication

What is the state of sustainable development in the European Union? The 2009 Eurostat monitoring report reviews the progress and implementation of the EU Sustainable Development Strategy. As partner in a consortium the Ecologic Institute played a substantial role in drafting the monitoring report on behalf of Eurostat. The 2009 monitoring report is available for download.

3. Climate change mitigation in German agriculture – Study online

German agriculture is responsible for approximately 11% of national greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and thus there is considerable potential for increased mitigation efforts in this sector. The Naturschutzbund Deutschland (NABU) commissioned the Ecologic Institute to analyze the mitigation potential of German agriculture and the necessary policy measures to support emission reductions. The analysis points to a number of measures which can, along with obligatory reduction targets for both agriculture and land-use change, deliver significant GHG-emission reductions. The study is available for download.

4. Climate and Environmental Governance after Copenhagen – Transatlantic Lunch with Adil Najam

On 22 January 2010, an Ecologic Transatlantic Luncheon was held in Berlin in honour of Adil Najam, a Professor at Boston University. In his short speech, Adil Najam pointed out that Copenhagen was different from other international conferences and also that the wrong conclusions have been drawn from the event. In the lively discussion that followed, participants discussed whether Copenhagen was a spectacular failure or not.

5. Certification of Biofuels – Presentation

The international debate on biofuels is mostly dominated by environmental and economic aspects while the question of how biofuels can be produced in a socially acceptable way is not systematically tackled. The project "Biofuel as Social Fuel" examines for two regions in Germany and Brazil the social dimension of biofuel production. Timo Kaphengst gave a lecture at the project`s kick-off event stressing the role of certification systems in biofuel governance.

6. Assessment of Proposals on Climate Tech Transfer – Final study online

Technology transfer is one of the central issues in the international climate negotiations, reflecting a general consensus that effectively mitigating climate change and adapting to it will require the wide-spread use of climate-friendly technologies. Despite this consensus, many of the details – such as funding, institutional mechanisms and the role of intellectual property – remain controversial. Through this project, the Ecologic Institute examined national and international proposals made in the context of recent UNFCCC technology negotiations. Prospective rules and mechanisms incorporated in existing drafts were also analyzed. The final study is available for download.