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Weichenstellung statt Katerstimmung – Nach dem Kopenhagen-Debakel braucht Europa eine effektive Klimastrategie


Weichenstellung statt Katerstimmung – Nach dem Kopenhagen-Debakel braucht Europa eine effektive Klimastrategie


Müller-Kraenner, Sascha 2010: Weichenstellung statt Katerstimmung - Nach dem Kopenhagen-Debakel braucht Europa eine effektive Klimastrategie. Internationale Politik online exklusiv, 12.01.2010.

Under the title "Setting the Course for the Future, not Nursing a Hangover – After the Copenhagen Debacle, Europe Needs an Effective Strategy for Climate Negotiations", Sascha Müller-Kraenner, Senior Policy Advisor at the Ecologic Institute, suggests options for the future external climate policy of the European Union. The article (in German) is available exclusively online from Internationale Politik, Germany's leading foreign policy magazine.

It was a complete failure: in Copenhagen, the European Union could not take its place next to the US and China as a driving force in climate policy. Moreover, not one of the EU's central objectives for the negotiations was met. Now is the time to vitalize the multilateral climate policy process with convincing new strategies.

The article is available for download.


Published in
Internationale Politik
Published by
5 pp.
UNFCCC, Kyoto protocol, climate negotiations, foreign policy, climate policy, multilateralism
Copenhagen, European Union