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Mitigating Livestock Emissions Through the CAP – Phase II

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Mitigating Livestock Emissions Through the CAP – Phase II

An in-depth analysis of livestock-relevant CAP interventions in five case-study countries


This project examines whether Member States are using CAP funding to support actions that lay the foundation for reducing livestock emissions in the next funding period. This includes informing discussions on whether additional policy measures will be needed beyond CAP support, given the necessary increase in climate ambition for the agricultural sector towards meeting the EU’s 2040 climate target.

The results will provide insights into the extent to which livestock emissions reductions are prioritized under the current CAP, highlight the changes needed for the next funding period, as well as providing recommendations to enhance CAP Strategic Plans, focusing on actions by Member States, adjustments to current and future CAP funding, and the role of private financing in scaling up impactful emission-reducing measures for livestock.

CAP funding and livestock emissions

Livestock production is a major source of GHG emissions in the EU, including indirect emissions from land use changes and fertilizer use for protein feed. The current Common Agricultural Policy (2023-2027) offers improved funding mechanisms to incentivize the adoption of more environmentally- and climate-friendly farming practices. Despite these opportunities, it is still possible for the CAP to finance high-emission livestock production. As negotiations for the next CAP period approach, it is crucial to assess how current CAP funds are being utilized to either facilitate or disincentivize the reduction of livestock emissions.

This project is the second phase of "Mitigating Livestock Emissions Through the CAP." Ecologic Institute will take forward the research and analysis by including literature review, expert interviews, assessment of CAP strategic plans, as well as the involvement of expert assessments for five Member States: Poland, France, Spain, Hungary, and Belgium-Flanders.


Project ID
CAP funding livestock emissions, EU livestock GHG emissions, Common Agricultural Policy climate, CAP Strategic Plans agriculture, reducing livestock emissions EU, sustainable livestock production, CAP emissions reduction policies, climate-smart agriculture EU, livestock climate mitigation CAP, CAP environmental measures, EU agricultural climate targets, livestock sector decarbonization, private financing livestock emissions, CAP 2023-2027 climate, agriculture EU 2040 climate target, CAP policy livestock impact, climate ambition EU farming, CAP emission reduction funding, livestock emission policy EU, sustainable farming CAP support
Poland, France, Spain, Hungary, and Belgium-Flanders.
literature review CAP funding, CAP Strategic Plan assessment, expert interviews agriculture policy, comparative country analysis CAP, policy gap and impact analysis, CAP emission reduction methodology, livestock emission assessment methods, agricultural climate policy analysis, EU Member State CAP comparison, qualitative research CAP funding, quantitative CAP analysis methods, policy evaluation livestock emissions, CAP strategy evaluation tools, climate-smart agriculture research methods, livestock mitigation assessment, emission reduction research techniques, agricultural policy research methodology, EU CAP funding analysis, expert consultation methodology, CAP strategic policy review