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Monitoring the Success of Hydromorphological Measures in and along Flowing Waters

Image by Peter H from Pixabay

Monitoring the Success of Hydromorphological Measures in and along Flowing Waters

Practical Test of the Recommended Procedure


The EU Water Framework Directive (WFD), which was adopted in 2000, is a key legal framework designed to ensure the protection and sustainable use of European waters. Amongst others, it aims to achieve a good ecological and chemical status of surface waters. As a result of hydromorphological measures in and along German watercourses, the watercourse structures are to be restored to as natural a state as possible in order to create diverse habitats for plants and animals.

The Federal/State Working Group on Water (Bund/Länder-Arbeitsgemeinschaft Wasser – LAWA) has provided a handbook for monitoring the success of hydromorphological measures in and along flowing waters in 2020, which contains recommended procedures for monitoring the success of hydromorphological measures, and thus helps to evaluate the achievement of objectives in accordance with the WFD.

On behalf of the LAWA, represented by the Ministry for Climate Protection, Agriculture, Rural Areas and the Environment of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Ecologic Institute and Landscape Integrated are conducting a practical test of the recommended procedures for monitoring the success of hydromorphological measures in and along flowing waters. Ecologic Institute is actively contributing to obtaining an overview of the experience gained to date with the LAWA process recommendation, amongst other things through a survey of the federal states, and thus validating and updating the practicability of the procedure and the assessment approach accordingly.


Project ID
EU Water Framework Directive, WFD, Flowing Waters, Hydromorphology, Nature Restoration, Climate Adaptation
praxis test