The UN Decade for Ecosystem Restoration aims to address the urgent need to restore ecosystems and habitats worldwide. This initiative supports the implementation of the three Rio Conventions (UNFCCC, CBD, UNCCD) and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through global actions at both centralized and decentralized levels. The decade provides an opportunity to integrate topics such as biodiversity, climate action, and ecosystem restoration, creating synergies for more effective solutions.
Ecologic Institute's Contribution
In collaboration with the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Ecologic Institute prepared a series of 10 policy papers. These papers are part of the GIZ project titled "Supporting the Design and Implementation of the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration" (DEER) and are intended to assist key German stakeholders in implementing the UN Decade's objectives.
Key Policy Briefs
- The Role of Sustainable Production Methods and Nature-Positive Supply Chains in Ecosystem Restoration
This brief explores how sustainable production and investment strategies, alongside deforestation-free supply chains, can support ecosystem restoration efforts globally. - The Role of Indigenous Peoples, Local Communities, Women, and Youth in Ecosystem Restoration
Indigenous peoples and local communities play a critical role in preserving ecosystems. This paper examines their contributions, rights, and the importance of including their voices in environmental protection and social justice dialogues. - The Restoration of Forest-Rich Landscapes (FLR)
Focusing on global and regional initiatives, such as the Bonn Challenge and AFR100, this brief assesses their contributions to forest landscape restoration, highlighting synergies with international restoration goals. - The Restoration of Marine and Coastal Ecosystems
Marine and coastal ecosystems face numerous challenges, from pollution to overfishing. This paper outlines strategies for integrating approaches to restore these ecosystems, emphasizing the connection between the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration and marine conservation. - Restoration of Freshwater Ecosystems
This policy brief highlights the importance of restoring freshwater ecosystems to achieve global goals like SDG 6 (Clean Water) and SDG 14 (Life Below Water). It advocates for integrating freshwater restoration into national climate and biodiversity strategies (NDCs and NBSAPs) and calls for a binding international water treaty and the appointment of a UN special representative for water. - The Results of CBD COP15 and Their Importance for the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration
Analyzing the outcomes of COP15 and the adoption of the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), this policy paper provides recommendations for ensuring that restoration targets are achieved in alignment with the framework’s ambitious goals. - The Role of the Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) in the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration
This policy brief links the objectives of the UNCCD, particularly land degradation neutrality (LDN), with the goals of the UN Decade, highlighting cross-cutting strategies for combating desertification and restoring degraded land. - Ecosystem Restoration as a Nature-Based Solution (NbS)
This updated policy paper emphasizes the role of ecosystem restoration as a Nature-based Solution to address climate change, biodiversity loss, and environmental degradation.