As described in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2005), ecosystem services are the benefits that humans derive from nature and in particular from certain ecosystems. There are various approaches to value these ecosystem services and the degradation and valorisation of ecosystems. However, the data available on the monetary valuation of marine ecosystems is still unsatisfactory. There is therefore a research gap with regard to monetary valuation in this area.
The aim of this project is to compile an up-to-date overview of existing scientific studies on the economic valuation of marine ecosystems and their services, as well as on the environmental impacts of the oceans. The aim is to go beyond the consideration of short-term "provisioning services", both in terms of the ecosystem services recorded and in terms of geographical coverage.
This overview will serve as a basis for assessing whether and to what extent the valuation of marine ecosystem services should be included in future methodological conventions for determining environmental costs. In addition, any research gaps that require further investigation will be identified.