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Climate Farm Demo: building up a network of 1,500 farms

© Thomas Alföldi (FiBL) 2023

Climate Farm Demo: building up a network of 1,500 farms

Berlin, Germany

A major step was made by recruiting almost 1500 farms located in 26 EU countries, showcasing a wide range of agricultural systems. The majority are dedicated to animal husbandry and mix farming systems, followed by specialized arable crops and finally, horticulture crops. Around 25% of the total farms, across sectors, are organic farms.

This network will consolidate Climate Farm Demo (CFD) actions on the ground to promote and initiate the dissemination of a variety of Climate Smart Farming practices. The aim is to help the EU achieve sustainability and reduce the impact of farming on the environment while supporting farmers with their farm management.

Climate Farm Demo is a unique pan-European network of Pilot Demo Farmers covering 28 countries and all pedo-climatic areas. Its overall aim it to accelerate the adoption of Climate Smart Farming (CSF) practices and solutions by farmers and all actors of the Climate Smart Agriculture Knowledge & Innovation Systems (AKIS) with a view of adapting agricultural production systems to climate change and of achieving a carbon-neutral agricultural sector by 2050, thereby meeting the targets of the EU Climate strategy.

Ecologic Institute is responsible for analysing rewarding mechanisms to understand their relevance and appropriateness for funding climate smart farming, describing successful examples of rewarding mechanisms and their outcomes as appropriate for different stages of transition and provide recommendations for scaling up of reward mechanisms, including their combinations.


An important step has been taken to consolidate our actions on the ground and to promote and significantly spread climate-friendly agricultural practices in European farming communities.


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