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German Climate Change Acts

© GIZ 2023

German Climate Change Acts

Presentations in Beijing

Beijing, China

Dr. Stephan Sina, Senior Fellow of Ecologic Institute, presented two case studies on German climate change acts at workshops in Beijing, and discussed with Chinese experts from governmental and municipal departments and universities on Chinese and German climate legislation. In addition, he held a lecture on the German Federal Climate Change Act at the Law Faculty of Beihang University and participated in a discussion on potential areas for future cooperation at the Center for German Studies of the University.

The first workshop on Climate Legislation in China and Germany took place at the National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation (NCSC) and included Stephan Sina's presentation on his analysis of the German Federal Climate Change Act and several presentations on Chinese climate legislation.

In the second workshop "China-Germany Experience Exchange Meeting on Local Climate Change Legislation" at the Beijing Climate Change Management Center, Stephan Sina presented his analysis of the German climate acts at subnational (state) level alongside a presentation of the Deputy Director of Beijing Climate Change Management Center on Beijing's Actions and Outlook on Climate Change.

The studies and their presentation were part of the project "Sino-German Cooperation on Climate Change – Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) Implementation", by which the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) supports China by strengthening exchange between experts and stakeholders from the two countries and providing information on German and EU experience in this field.


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Beijing, China
Project ID
Climate Change Law, Federal Climate Change Act (KSG), state climate change acts, EU, environmental law
China, Germany