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How Can the G7 and G20 Improve Just Energy Transition Partnerships?

Cover of the briefing "How can the G7 and G20 improve Just Energy Transition Partnerships?"

© Ecologic Institute

How Can the G7 and G20 Improve Just Energy Transition Partnerships?

Taking stock of Just Energy Transition Partnerships (JETP)


Michael, Jakob, Leon Martini (2023): How can the G7 and G20 improve Just Energy Transition Partnerships? Ecologic Institute, Berlin.

The progress on ratcheting up mitigation efforts in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and Long-Term Strategies (LTS) has been slow. To limit the increase in the global mean temperature by 2100 to "well below 2 °C" and even achieve stabilization below 1.5 °C, increased mitigation effort is required. One form of mini-lateral approaches that has gained considerable traction in recent years are Just Energy Transition Partnerships (JETPs). JETPs aim to kick-start and accelerate the energy transition in emerging economies and fast-growing developing countries that are particularly relevant for global climate action. A specific emphasis is on phasing out coal and power sector decarbonisation.

This policy brief takes stock of the existing JETPs and draws some preliminary conclusions. Moreover, it discusses some of the challenges JETPs face and how they may be improved. Lastly, we outline some recommendations for the G7 and G20.

Key findings and recommendations

  1. This briefing draws preliminary lessons from the four concluded Just Energy Transition Partnerships and discusses how they can be improved in the context of global challenges.
  2. The G7 must strengthen the just dimension in JETPs in collaboration with the partner country, making them a clearly visible pillar in the investment and policy plans. Moreover, civil society participation must be improved in JETPs, by enshrining minimum standards in the political agreements.
  3. The G7 should ensure that finance is new and additional. They should improve the transparency of funding, by reporting committed funding in terms of grant equivalents.
  4. The G7 should focus their funding on expanding the institutional capacity in the partner state by inter alia providing capacity training as well as directly funding the development of institutions.
  5. The G20 should establish a platform for exchanging best practices for and ways to support just transitions, including the experiences from the JETP and strengthen its commitment to skills training, capacity building, and community support.
"Mini-lateral" approaches that bring together a small number of countries for more effective bargaining have been proposed to complement the complex multilateral process.

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Dr. Michael Jakob
Leon Martini
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12 pp.
Project ID
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South Africa, Vietnam, Indonesia, Senegal