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Pricing Agricultural Emissions and Rewarding Climate Action in the Land Sector

Photo by Lukas Hartman | Pexels, graphic by Oktan4Eg|

Pricing Agricultural Emissions and Rewarding Climate Action in the Land Sector

Stakeholder survey

Berlin, Germany

Trinomics and its partners IEEP and Ecologic Institute, together with Umweltbundesamt and Carbon Counts, are conducting an exploratory study on "pricing agricultural greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and rewarding climate action in the land sector". This study focuses on ETS policy options for agricultural GHG emissions and policy models for linking an AgriETS to rewarding carbon removals in the land sector (LULUCF Removals). As part of this exploratory study for the European Commission, we are holding an online survey to gather both evidence and the views of relevant stakeholders. Contributions are particularly sought from farmers, business and trade organisations' representatives along the agricultural value chain, foresters, national / regional / local authorities in the Member States, civil society organisations, academia and researchers in relevant fields.


A 2021 report by the European Court of Auditors concluded that EU law does not apply the polluter-pays-principle to agricultural emissions and recommends that the Commission should “assess the potential of applying the polluter-pays principle to agricultural emissions, and reward farmers for long-term carbon removals”. One of the main instruments for applying the polluter-pays principle in the EU is an emissions trading system (ETS). Against this background, the European Commission is exploring options for pricing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agricultural activities along the value chain through an Emission Trading System (ETS), as well as for rewarding farmers and other landowners for climate action through carbon farming.

We are holding an online survey to gather both evidence and the views of relevant stakeholders.


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Project ID
survey, questionnaire