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Felix Dengler

Felix Dengler

Ass. iur.

Data Protection Officer


Felix Dengler is a Fellow and Data Protection Officer at Ecologic Institute. As a fully qualified lawyer, he provides legal support to various projects at European and national level. His work focuses on nature conservation, climate adaptation and water law. He is fluent in German and English and has basic knowledge of French and Spanish.

Felix Dengler is advising the German Federal Environmental Agency (UBA) and the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) on the revision of the German Soil Protection Act (Bundesbodenschutzgesetz), in particular on issues related to nature conservation compensation and permitting requirements. The project includes the drafting of a comprehensively updated Federal Soil Protection Act with concrete formulation proposals. On behalf of the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN), Felix Dengler is analyzing the legal framework for the rewetting of peatlands in the MoorNet project and is giving lectures on this topic at various specialist events. A particular focus of this work is species protection law, while spatial planning and water law also play a role. He advises the European Commission (DG ENV) on the evaluation and revision of the Nitrates Directive, in particular on monitoring and reporting obligations.

For the project Climate Adaptation Naturally!, he contributed to an interim report on the legal framework for the promotion of nature-based solutions in municipalities. A key aspect of this work was the Federal Climate Adaptation Act (KAnG) as well as the climate protection and climate adaptation laws of the federal states. In addition, he is supporting the development of a practical handbook on Water Stewardship in German Agriculture for WWF Germany.

Besides, Felix Dengler provides legal policy advice in the energy sector. For example, he advised the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWK) on the possible introduction of an industrial electricity price. For the European Climate Foundation (ECF), he analyzed and evaluated the implementation of selected provisions of EU energy law in several member states

Before joining Ecologic Institute, Felix Dengler completed his legal traineeship at the Higher Regional Court of Cologne, with internships at the European Commission's Directorate-General for Climate Action and at law firms specializing in energy and environmental law in Cologne and Frankfurt am Main. After his first state examination, he worked for a legal tech company in the field of consumer protection in Berlin.

He studied law in Heidelberg and Cologne, specializing in intellectual property and competition law.

In addition to his work at Ecologic Institute, Felix Dengler volunteers for Lawyers for Future, the Environmental Law Information Service (IDUR) and Roots – The Environmental Law Clinic.

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