Extreme weather events are responsible for a total of €500 billion in losses since 1980 in the EU, and 60% of drought-linked losses are specific to the agriculture sector. With climate change, extreme events are becoming more intense and frequent across the continent, posing great challenges to the future of agricultural production.
The study aims to provide the European Parliament with an overview of the challenges faced by the agricultural sector regarding the evolution of climate extreme events in the European Union. It highlights existing solutions to help farmers mitigate the effects of extreme weather events and recover from climate-related disasters. Finally, it analyses existing policy instruments supporting these solutions, including those promoted by Member States under the new CAP programming (2022-2027).
Ecologic Institute provides scientific support in the deployment of the research methodology and scientific feedbacks during the implementation of the project. Specific input is also provided regarding water related climate extremes, their impact on the agricultural sector and adaptations strategies.