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Mapping the Adaptation Frameworks Regarding Climate Change Adaptation Indicators
- Project
- Duration
The monitoring and evaluation of adaptation policies and projects is an emerging subject on which there is no unified analytical/methodology framework or indicators, unlike mitigation. Assessing the success of adaptation interventions is a challenge that requires specific methodological approaches to support the need for measuring and reporting on progress on adaptation in Europe.
In the project "Mapping the adaptation frameworks regarding climate change adaptation indicators," Ramboll, Enerdata, and Ecologic Institute aim to support the EEA with its ongoing work on developing an adaptation indicators framework – linked to monitoring and reporting on adaptation, and that includes national and regional approaches. The specific objective is to produce an inventory of existing adaptation frameworks established at national (and sub-national) level which track and monitor adaptation actions, as well as to map indicators used in these frameworks for different sectors. Furthermore, the project aims to establish a process that will enable the EEA to update the inventory of frameworks and indicators in the future.
Ecologic Institute is responsible for quality management in the project.