© Springer International Publishing
Public Acceptance of Hydropower
- Publication
- Citation
Venus, Terese E.; Mandy Hinzmann and Holger Gerdes 2022: Public Acceptance of Hydropower. In: Rutschmann, Peter et al. (eds) 2022: Novel Developments for Sustainable Hydropower. Springer International Publishing.
This chapter provides an overview of public perception of hydropower projects, describes methods for studying public acceptance and presents an application of the Q-methodology in four Europe case studies from hydropower-intensive regions. The chapter, written by Mandy Hinzmann, Holger Gerdes (both Ecologic Institute) and Terese E. Venus is available for download.
Public acceptance can play an important role in determining the trajectory of hydropower development and modernization as well as the adoption of mitigation measures. Particularly in the planning stages of hydropower projects and modernization, local public resistance may delay progress and completion. For this reason, it is important to understand how to study local public perceptions of hydropower to improve project implementation and reduce public resistance.
- Language
- Authorship
Terese E. Venus
- Funding
European Commission, Directorate-General Research & Innovation (DG Research & Innovation), International - Published in
- Novel Developments for Sustainable Hydropower
- Published by
Springer-Verlag, Germany - Year
- Dimension
- 12 pp.
978-3-030-99138-8 (electronic)978-3-030-99137-1 (print)
- Project
- Project ID
- Table of contents
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3.1 Introduction
3.2 Factors for Public Acceptance of Hydropower
3.3 Methods of Measuring Public Acceptance
3.3.1 Comparing Quantitative and Qualitative Methods
3.3.2 Using the Q-Methodology to Study Public Acceptance of Hydropower
3.4 Example Q Studies of Hydropower Across Europe
3.4.1 Case Studies
3.4.2 Results and Discussion
3.5 Conclusion - Keywords
Rutschmann, Peter et. al. (eds) 2022: Novel Developments for Sustainable Hydropower. Springer International Publishing.
Kampa, Eleftheria 2022: Policy Framework for Hydropower Mitigation. In: Rutschmann, Peter et. al. (eds) 2022: Novel Developments for Sustainable Hydropower. Springer International Publishing.
Third Cycle of the German Participatory Forum on Fish Protection and Downstream Migration
- Duration
- Funding
German Environment Agency (UBA), Germany
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Keuneke, Rita 2021: Technical functionality of large fish protection screens confirmed in practice. Operational experience with large screen systems. Ingenieurbüro Floecksmühle GmbH: Aachen.
Keuneke, Rita and Edith Massmann 2020: Ziele für den Fischschutz und Fischabstieg in Deutschland. Überblick über Instrumente des Fischschutzes in Deutschland. Ingenieurbüro Floecksmühle GmbH: Aachen.
Ecologic Institut 2016: Atlas Fischschutz & Fischabstieg. URL: http://forum-fischschutz.de/atlas-standorte.