The human-induced biodiversity and climate crises are increasingly threatening planetary biodiversity and related livelihoods. In a first-ever collaboration of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), leading experts confirmed that these two crises are mutually reinforcing and can only be solved together. Though these linkages are already widely recognised by science and policy, in practice they are still often considered in isolation from each other. Nature-based solutions (NBS) are understood as systemic, cost-effective and multifunctional approaches and have the potential to link the different levels of objectives. In order to clarify research questions in this field and to build collective knowledge, transdisciplinary and participatory collaboration between researchers and practitioners is necessary. This BfN project brought together leading scientists to exchange knowledge and perspectives on these topics, to highlight good practice application examples, and to identify existing gaps to prioritise in future research.
Project objectives and activities
The main element of this project was the implementation of the international expert workshop "Fostering applied research on the synergies between biodiversity and climate", which took place online between 8 and 9 June 2022. With around 30 leading scientists, 10 presentations of case studies and interactive break-out groups, this workshop enabled lively discussions and insights on opportunities for participatory research for the biodiversity-climate nexus.
The results of the workshop were summarised in a discussion paper (published as BfN Schriften 639). The report provides an overview on the state of the art in biodiversity-climate research and details the needs and opportunities for participatory research, specifically regarding NBS, socio-ecological issues and transdisciplinary research.
The role of Ecologic Institute
Ecologic Institute coordinated the project and implemented the scoping workshop in close cooperation with BfN.